Patch is live.

Star Fleet Armada Rogue Adventures

Captain a fleet of ships. Meet new races. Explore other star systems. Discover and explore anomalies, asteroid fields, nebulas, suns, comets and more. Can you find that rare Rainbow planet that is teeming with mass amounts of resources? Play as any of the 45 races. Earn Achievements to get rare in game artifacts!

Patch This patch added some enhancements to the Officers DLC. There is now a GUI Icon over each discovered star system on the star map that lets you know if, you have a chance to find a heavily damaged ship, already found one, or must clear all hostiles before one will show up. Adjusted how officers decide to leave. Now only unassigned officers will leave, and it will always be the officer with the lowest loyalty. Each cycle (about 250 TU's), the game will check how many unassigned officers you have. If you have less than 10 unassigned officers, then none will leave. If you have 10 or more, then at least one will leave, and it can be as high as 4 depending of how many you have. The maximum number of total officers is still 100, but once you reach 100, then one will automatically leave making room for an additional officer to be found. If you have more than one officer with the same perk, then you can dismiss one of them for a boost in XP and loyalty to that officer. The amount of XP and loyalty depends on the games skill level and the rank of the officer being dismissed. Higher ranks give more and higer skill levels give less. There will be an animated arrow on the officers edit screen on each officer that can be the target of this boost. The officers with the same perk can only come from unassigned officers. But both assigned and unassigned can be the source target officer for the boost. When you mouse over the animated arrow, a list of all (up to 5) unassigned officers with the same perk will show up. You can then move the mouse over the one you want to dismiss and then RMB click to dismiss. The amount of XP and loyalty that you will gain is shown in the list. If the amount of XP makes your source officer level up and they are assigned to a ship, the ship size must be able to accommodate the new higher rank. If it doesn't then that officer will not be in the list. The chance to find a heavily damaged ship and the chance to get an officer at a planetary crash site can now be viewed from the fleet info window at the bottom, just above the legend. Fixed an issue with the cave editor when rotating a firing arrow object clockwise. Firing arrows should only rotate at 90 degree intervals, but this was being disrupted when rotating clockwise beyond the 0 degree mark. Fixed a few issues where some achievements were not being updated properly. Most of these had to do with the Mad Scientist achievement where it would not advance all research units found. Now ANY research unit found regardless of how you got it, will be counted towards this achievement. That now includes selling life form at a science station, and from the worm hole specialist perk in the rogue officers dlc. Hope you enjoy the changes.