Patch 1.14

YRek Lost In Portals

An Action-Adventure First Person Shooter, with big boss fights encounter and dungeon exploration. Fps inspired by the old Fps of the 1990s, Getting ammo, weapons, and health to survive the Adventure against enemy foes is the game about.

Patch Notes. Major update on enemy A.I. Enemy A.I. can now fight with each other. More enemy spawns have been added to the entire world of YRek Lost In Portals. Adaptative VSync is now enabled. Visual Queues have been added to the Switches and Door. Ammo Clips have been drastically increased. More audio clips have been added to the Game. Boss on level2 difficulty has been reduced. Fixed bug on mini-boss on level 3. The demo has been updated. Enemy Traps now dismember the player upon death. UI has been reworked to make it more legible.