Patch 1.1.3 - Just King

Just King

Just King is an action auto-battler with roguelike elements. Assemble your party to venture into different lands fighting fearsome kings and their deadly armies. Use your loot to hire and upgrade mighty heroes... or the bard.

[h1]The King announces new Patch Notes![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41859068/4161ab14db64a7cb2980095bb2e223fdd91740a8.png[/img] More balance changes and a new "catch up" mechanic to allow players that join the season later face higher ranked enemies when on a winstreak. [h1]-- SYSTEMS --[/h1] While on a winstreak roll (5+ wins out of the last 6 matches), the player will be matched against players with 10 times more points than them. You still have to beat them if you want points! -Vish team [h3]Congratulations to this Season's champions![/h3] [olist] [*] itsbenjones2015 [*] たちこま [*] ☯Silent Buddha [/olist] [h1]-- HEROES --[/h1] [h3]Archer -- NERF[/h3] -Basic attack cooldown 2s -> 2.5s [h3]Captain -- NERF[/h3] -Lvl3 melee nana armor 5 -> 4 [h3]Paladin -- NERF[/h3] -Lvl3 damage 20 -> 15 [h3]Slayer -- NERF[/h3] -Base damage (5/10/15) -> (4/8/12) [h3]Plague Doctor -- NERF[/h3] -Plague damage (3/4/5) -> (2/3/4) [h3]Siren -- NERF[/h3] -Water Clone cooldown 8s -> 10s [h3]Artificer -- NERF[/h3] -Turret armor 10 -> 7 [h3]Cyclops -- NERF[/h3] -INT aura on pets 40% -> 20% [h3]Hoplite -- BUFF[/h3] -Basic attack cooldown 0.4s -> 0.25s [h3]Wukong -- BUFF[/h3] -Lvl3 range 5 -> 6 -Lvl3 activation range 3 -> 4 -Also affects Monkey-Soldier-Clones [h3]Druid -- BUFF[/h3] -Turtle Tuck In delay 3s -> 2s [h3]Coolboy -- BUFF[/h3] -Reload cooldown 5s -> 3s -INT scale added on all Cold generation skills [h3]Frost Witch -- BUFF[/h3] -INT scale added on all Cold generation skills [h3]Viking -- BUFF[/h3] -INT scale added on all Cold generation skills [h3]Wizard -- BUFF[/h3] -INT scale added on all Cold generation skills [h3]Sharkmancer -- BUFF[/h3] -Base armor 1 -> 2 -Self heal (4/8/12)(50%) -> (5/10/15)(100%) [h3]Lich -- BUFF[/h3] -Life Drain cooldown 1.5s -> 1s -Orb feed cooldown .75s -> .7s [h3]Deepcultist -- BUFF[/h3] -Tentacle heal 3(40%) -> 4(100%) [h3]Rogue -- BUFF[/h3] -Now will enter stealth even in combat after 3s [h1]-- ITEMS --[/h1] [h3]Retromancer's Armor -- BUFF[/h3] -HP% 50% -> 75% -Radius 2 -> 3