Patch 1.07 Changelog!

Below is the patch notes for the last patch that was released Wednesday 1.07. Sorry for the minor delay! [list] [*] Added new feature “Add Released Teams” to the Custom Team menu. If the player has purchased the AEW: Fight Forever FTR: Revival Pack, FTR can be added as a tag team. [*] Added a menu to customize materials for CAW parts. [*] Added Shadow Wrestler skins from RTE to CAW. [*] Added Character HUD Settings to the Options menu. [*] Minigames are now unlocked from the start, excluding DLC minigames. [*] Adjusted various skills for improved character balancing and playability. [*] Fixed an issue where the selected wrestler changed when randomly selecting with △/Y button in the wrestler selection screen, then pressing R3/RS to SELECT ALL. [*] Fixed an issue that caused the next wrestler to be displayed incorrectly when selecting a wrestler from the team tab on the wrestler selection screen. [*] Fixed an issue that would cause the ladder to fall suddenly when knocked down while climbing a ladder. [*] Fixed guardrail diving attack near steel stairs causing the attacker to float after coming in contact with the steel stairs during synchronization. [*] Fixed warping when grappling an apron opponent. [*] Fixed falling into the steel stairs when launching an apron move near the steel stairs. [*] Fixed clipping on the steel stairs when activating the apron attack near the steel stairs. [*] Fixed an issue where the wrestlers would not turn around to face the target outside of the ring after entering the ring. [*] Fixed an issue where the down pain animation sometimes did not occur. [*] Fixed an issue where two wrestlers, when standing face to face around a grounded wrestler, would both attempt to jump over the grounded wrestler at the same time. [*] Fixed an issue where the number of tag match wins per wrestler was not being displayed correctly in entrance and victory scenes. [*] Fixed an issue where the AI would repeat combos even when no blows hit. [*] Fixed an issue that allowed wrestlers to get inside the ladder. [*] Fixed an issue that caused ducking animations to clip onto the ring. [*] Fixed an issue where running counter's reach was being triggered when the opponent had finished running. [*] Fixed an issue in the free action time after tag-in; if the partner who was just tagged out guarded and remained guarding when that time expired, then that wrestler would remain stuck (inoperable) in the guard state. [*] Fixed an issue in Casino Battle Royale where the indicator would show color before the AI rings in. [*] Fixed an issue where, after removing a DLC entitlement, DLC moves assigned to a roster wrestler would revert to a custom wrestler’s moves. The moves now revert to that roster wrestler’s default moves. [*] Fixed an issue that allowed wrestlers to be able to enter the inside of a standing ladder. [*] Fixed an issue that caused indicators to be displayed in victory scenes. [*] Fixed an issue where the AI’s entrance could not be skipped by pressing the □/X button when starting a match using the keyboard in the main menu. [*] Fixed an issue that caused a down attack to be launched against a downed opponent in the ring, even if the opponent was out of the ring. [*] Fixed an issue where the character was floating when performing Kenny Omega's running finisher. [*] Fixed an issue in Casino Battle Royale where deactivating the app by pressing the Windows key during the tutorial would allow the wrestler to move freely outside the ring. [*] Fixed an issue in ladder matches where attacking an AI trying to retrieve a weapon from under the ring would cause the AI to get stuck. [*] Fixed an issue that was causing non-targeted wrestlers to be grabbed by grapple reach. [*] Fixed an issue in Casino Battle Royale that caused players to warp out of the field after activating a springboard against a corner post opponent. [*] Fixed an issue that prevented AIs from activating tandem finishers. [*] Fixed an issue in online matches in which table legs did not fold up when the table was picked up. [*] Fixed an issue that prevented “SHIRANUI 3” from inflicting damage. [*] Fixed an issue where the player would be stuck for 3 seconds after activating "SHIRANUI 3". [*] Fixed warping when grappling an opponent who is up on the ladder. [*] Fixed an issue where a wrestler would attempt to climb the ladder from the position of the opponent who was already on the ladder. [*] Fixed an issue that caused managers to clip through ring aprons. [*] Fixed animation shifting when down grappling. [*] Fixed diving catch causing clipping. [*] Fixed damage areas being incorrect. [*] Fixed an issue where “tope suicida” moves would clip to apron. [*] Fixed an issue in Casino Battle Royale where the move-set was not displayed correctly. [*] Fixed an issue in online matches that caused the guitar to move unnaturally after finishing attacks with it. [*] Fixed Hikaru Shida's incorrect finisher information. [*] Fixed dropkick floating when it contacts a downed opponent. [*] Fixed an issue where the gloves of gold attire "Penta El Zero M" would turn white during the glove removal taunt. [*] Fixed an issue where dragging another downed opponent during a pinfall would cause clipping with the pinfalling opponent. [*] Fixed rope rebound during dash hard attack. [*] Fixed an issue that could cause a grounded player to warp when pulled up by an opponent. [*] Fixed collision reaction being triggered when dashing while not facing each other head-on. [*] Fixed a problem where a diving attack from the rudder had a small reaction when it hit, so it did not appear to hit. [*] Modified tag team matches, so that a wrestler who returns to the apron during a danger will remain groggy on the apron until the danger ends. [*] Fixed an issue that caused the user to float when slammed into the ring. [*] Fixed an issue where the Finisher/Signature guide was displayed while down on a table. [*] Fixed an issue that caused misalignment when a partner was placed on a table. [*] Fixed an issue that caused AIs to rope rebound nonsensically. [*] Fixed an issue where diving moved unnaturally in sync after jumping over an opponent. [*] Fixed an issue where, when Irish Whip was aimed at the guardrail, it would hit a steel pole along the way. [*] Fixed dizzying when jumping across a fallen opponent. [*] Fixed an issue where the camera rolled into the audience during apron tag team moves. [*] Fixed an issue that caused AIs to launch pointless sliding attacks against off-field opponents. [*] Fixed an issue that caused wasted reach to be triggered after jumping over a downed wrestler. [*] Fixed an issue that caused AIs to strike out on reach actions after a dash roll. [*] Fixed an issue where the player could catch a dive even when their back was turned. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where an attack in the riding state occurred twice in certain maneuvers. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where a throwing weapon would appear to remain on the ground when picked up. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where a knockout wrestler's orientation changed instantly after HOOK's finisher. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede that caused the horse to remain frozen and move after attacking while riding. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where an infinite falling motion would occur in the spectator area. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where bullets penetrated walls when hitting a T-shirt bazooka close to a wall. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where the ability that increases the number of times a weapon can be used would not take effect. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where the ability to increase the number of times a projectile weapon can be used would not take effect. [*] Adjusted the overall ease of applying weapons in Stadium Stampede. [*] Fixed an issue where the same user name was not showing on all controllers when playing on PC. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where cart ride damage was only being taken from the left side. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where all challenges would unlock after the session ends. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where a session disconnection error would occur when starting gameplay. [*] Fixed an issue in Stadium Stampede where the game would crash when moving lobby. [/list]