[h3]Fixes on all platforms: [/h3]
[*] Fixed problem with overlapping models in tag team and title taking scenes.
[*] Modified Tag team finisher so that it can be triggered if one of the team is in Special state.
[*] Fixed an error in the area of pain caused by damage.
[*] Fixed sliding problem when climbing a barricade while holding a weapon.
[*] Fixed being able to grapple with rudder in between.
[*] Fixed dizzying when starting a grapple.
[*] Button/control settings are now saved after cancelling CBR wrestler selection and going back into it.
[*] Fixed issue of being unable to break a pin using a weapon attack.
[*] Fixed clipping that occurred when grappling while climbing a ladder.
[*] Corrected display of error codes in the Switch Error dialog.
[*] Fixed issue of John Silver's signature move failing.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused Falls Count Anywhere AIs to repeatedly perform apron slams at ringside.
[*] Fixed AIs getting stuck in a grapple in tag team.
[*] Fixed AI getting stuck when AIs dash kick each other and miss.
[*] Fixed a bug that allowed users to carry a burning table.
[*] Fixed AI sometimes not being able to break the pin during 3-way matches.
[*] The following wrestlers have been corrected so that they do not jump over the ropes when entering the ring from the apron: Luchasaurus/ Nyla Rose/ Riho/ Kris Statlander/ Thunder Rosa/ Yuka Sakazaki.
[*] Fixed defender not getting up after repeatedly performing an Awakening taunt.
[*] Fixed that the Finisher guide is not displayed as a wrestler is leaned onto a rope.
[*] Fixed Sliding Lariat not hitting.
[*] Cornered Shoulder Thrusts animation now terminates on down.
[*] Fixed issue where a ladder that fell on table contact during an online match could not be picked up.
[*] Fixed running counter signatures not activating when touching a third party during setup.
[*] Fixed AI not attacking when side-by-side on apron.
[*] Fixed AI not performing moves in enemy corners in tag team matches.
[*] Fixed AI activating springboard when teammate is submitting in tag team matches.
[*] Online, when holding a two-handed weapon, fixed animation of still holding the weapon after being attacked or dropping the weapon.
[*] Fixed running counter move warping position.
[*] Fixed AI repeatedly changing target in tag match.
[*] Fixed AI diving on hanging opponent in CBR.
[*] Fixed hit collision timing on blows of move Spinning Sole Butt 3.
[*] Fixed CMPunk combos not connecting.
[*] Fixed clipping in setup action when there is a height difference.
[*] Fixed attacks not hitting against the middle rope lean.
[*] Fixed attack not hitting easily after grapple turnaround.
[*] Fixed attacks not hitting easily in CBR and hanging state.
[*] Fixed a symptom that sometimes did not count pinfalls in 4 Way Match.
[*] Fixed barricade reaction not triggering when attacking from the side or leaning against a barricade.
[*] Fixed clipping issue on weapon with Rear Shotgun Dropkick.
[*] Fixed Attire being released when checking Wrestler Info.
[*] Modified to prevent Andrade El Idolo from jumping over the ropes when entering the ring from the apron.
[*] Fixed guide HUD not showing up immediately after going into corner leaning position.
[h3]Additional fixes on PC:[/h3]
[*] Fixed an issue where keyboard input was not included in party game mode.
[*] Selected costumes for roster fighters are now always visible in the Online Match select screen.
[*] Fixed an issue where attempting to start a private match before the members of the party are displayed would prevent the private match from starting.
[*] Fixed an issue where the tutorial archive screen would remain when joining a private match as a guest with the tutorial archive screen open.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused a black screen to show after starting match.
[*] Fixed a bug that prevented lobby members' names and icons from being displayed.
[*] Fixed a bug where INVITED party users would appear offline.