Patch 1.0.40

To The Rescue!

To The Rescue! is a charming dog shelter simulator. Take care of unique dogs and find the right homes for as many of them as you can. Upgrade your shelter, control disease outbreaks, learn each dog's preferences, and make tough decisions, all while helping support real-world animal shelters!

[h1]Hey everyone! [/h1] Small patch to hopefully fix some of the bugs you all have be reporting since the 1.0.39 update the other day. If you're still experiencing issues, please join our [url=]Discord server[/url], take a ticket and report the bugs to our moderators. [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fix for input issue during the adoption action stage of adoptiosn that prevevents progression. [*] Fix for issue preventing helpers from being fired. [*] Fix for the community event panels closing when attempting to schedule an event. [*] Added an input override toggin in the controls menu. The default state will automatically detect the most recently used input device. The Keyboard & Mouse state will limit input to only the mouse and keyboard. [*] UI layering issues in the computer. [/list]