Patch 1.0.11 Released - Custom Bindings and Quality of Life

Out of Ammo

Out of Ammo is an intense VR Tower Defense / FPS hybrid strategy game that will have you constructing defenses, calling in artillery, issuing orders, and taking direct control of your soldiers in order to survive a relentless enemy onslaught.

Here's a small but significant patch focused on stability with a few quality of life changes and several more bug fixes. [h1]Custom controller binding config files[/h1] You can now create custom bindings for some actions by editing the input config file. If you're interested there's [url=]a guide[/url] with a few example configs at the end. [h1]Attachments[/h1] The attachment selection menu can be opened by pressing and holding the grip button of a controller holding a gun, same as before 1.0.9. To activate or deactivate an attachment you still need to place your other hand over it and press the grip button. Another small quality of life change is that attachments spawn already active by default. [h1]Interaction[/h1] Interaction has been updated slightly to work better with both hands at the same time. It also tracks the closest hover target better which should help when there are overlapping deployables or units. There are also a few more checks so that it can recover better from accidentally invalid interaction states. And finally the overlap test tick rate has been increased. Overall it should be a lot more reliable and responsive, but there is still a limitation in that you can only deploy one defence at a time as the deployment system is still legacy code. [h1]Other quality of life changes[/h1] [list] [*] Players rotate around their head rather than the centre of the play space when using snap turn. [*] Players return to their previous location when returning to commander mode. [*] Added SnapTurnYawDegrees as an option in Game.ini to set snap turn angle. Default is 90. See [url=]the forum post on resetting game settings[/url] for a little more information on how game settings work. [*] Began to add VOIP support back in. Currently by default it is unbound as I couldn't figure out a good button for it. Bind "PushToTalk" to an action to use it. There is an example in the control rebinding guide linked above. [*] Made audio fade in on spawn so that all the objects spawning and settling won't blow out people's headphones. [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fix deploying and moving in Port. The map is playable again! [*] Stop weapons from colliding with teleportation mesh. [*] Prevent many pause interactions that shouldn't be allowed, and force other elements that should never freeze to ignore pause state. [*] Fix Game Over screens being positioned incorrectly. [*] Fix various race conditions and network replication issues with equipping items. [*] Fix various teleportation bugs - including a particularly nasty one that could randomly set your location to world origin. [*] Replicate floor height and HMD type to server so that multiplayer clients are set to the right height. [*] Fix quit menu being hard to reach when possessing a unit. [*] Fix units falling through the floor when defences are dismantled. [*] Fix ammo belts being left behind when MG defences are dismantled. [*] Improve deployment restrictions to make it harder to place defences in invalid areas. [*] Improve defence colliders so that it's easier to select defences and units in defences. [*] Fix medic and engineer field tent possession so it functions as it did before. [*] Fix throwing knives not being dropped when sticking to something. [*] Fix M4 being impossible to reload in Overwatch mission. [*] Fix equipment slot bugs in missions. [*] Fix RPG bouncing instead of exploding on clients. [*] Fix full cartridges disappearing instead of being ejected when opening the sniper rifle's bolt. [*] Improve ammo belt motion on MG. [*] Fix entry/exit point marker not being visible when deploying defences. [*] Fix units not resetting correctly after their possession cooldown time has run out. [*] Rebalance recoil slightly to make weapons with a faster fire rate less accurate when fired very quickly and/or in large bursts. [/list] And several other miscellaneous fixes. [h1]Known bugs[/h1] [list] [*] Gripped objects are still buggy when the game is paused. [/list]