Is this thing on?! Update 1.0.8 released

Out of Ammo

Out of Ammo is an intense VR Tower Defense / FPS hybrid strategy game that will have you constructing defenses, calling in artillery, issuing orders, and taking direct control of your soldiers in order to survive a relentless enemy onslaught.

Been a long time since we released Out of Ammo. We had some new programmers at the studio and we decided to put them through their paces on this project. While VR has been a money pit for us, we love the game and we loved out time with Out of Ammo - so it had been a dream for us for some time to tidy up some of the bugs we had with it. We decided to dust off the old code base and tidy up some of the pesky bugs that remained. While we were there, we also decided to tackle some of the bigger opportunities that changes with Unreal (the engine we use) and VR provided. This means we now have the forward renderer working, giving pretty dramatically better framerate. [quote]Please let us know here in the comments if you have any issues or what you would like us to add! Should we do a new map? What else needs to be added to the game?[/quote] [h1]Version 1.0.8[/h1] [list] [*]Updated to Unreal Engine to 4.16.3. This gives us lots of fixes and improvements, too numerous to mention! [*]Now uses a forward renderer with MSAA and Temporal Anti-Aliasing for much better performance. [*]Improved ragdoll on characters. [*]Menu follows view better. Fixes potential issues on oculus when turning. [*]Increased Tank base speed [*]Tanks will now be slowed after the tank commander is defeated. (This should make tanks easier to aim with artillery/RPG) [*]Nearby enemy units will have the chance to pop back into the tank commander seat. [*]Slightly buffed artillery against tanks [*]RPG Unit Should no longer kill itself when stationed on sandbags [*]Machine Gun Nest bugs fixed such as difficulty reloading. Improved geometry model to fix this. [*]Fix "Get Steam Friend Avatar" being disconnected After the 4.16 update "Get Steam Friend Avatar" nodes had 3 exec out pins instead of just one. In the worst case it prevented PlayerConnected and UpdateUnitStats from being called. Connected the success and failure nodes to following nodes. [*]Modify and update some networking code [*]Modify client initialization order Now starts in VRPawn.uasset [*]Fix tank not moving in D-Day(Increased Nav Area Bounds) [/list]