
Freaky Awesome

Freaky Awesome is a hectic action rogue-lite. You explore a randomly generated old factory, fighting weird monsters and avoiding traps. Toxic wastes will make you mutate, gaining different powers every time. You will need to adapt to your mutations to survive!

Hi, Mutants! :freakyface: This patch is gonna make the game a bit easier on the first location to let you see more content faster. We have a lot of cool things but realised that most people just can't complete the Factory location.. [h1]Changes[/h1] [list] [*]Item name in shop GUI fixed [*]When you are getting damage your character becomes invulnerable for 1 second [*]Some room designs changed [*]"Bottle of purple liquid" is not auto-activated since now [*]DNA price changed from 20 to 12 coins [*]Vomiting enemy damage reduced by 25% [*]Wasp enemy's damage reduced by 30% [*]Price for item "Question box" changed from 5 to 1 coin [*]Damage from saws in Factory reduced by 30% [*]Damage from TNT boxes reduced by 30% [*]Keys to unlock Fish mutation in the Factory changed from 3 to 1 [*]Num of rooms on the second level of the Factory reduced by 25% [*]Health of enemy "Larva" reduced by 20% [/list] - Mandragora