Patch - More fixes and improvements!

Grim Realms

A fantasy colony-survival simulator: Guide your villagers as they struggle to stay alive in a world overrun by the undead.

[u][b]This patch does the following:[/b][/u] - Fixes an issue where fleeing people kept climbing through terrain. - When chosing an exit, fleeing units will now take into account where hostile units are positioned. Also made a few other improvements to fleeing mechanics. - Fixes some scaling errors. - Ensures that siege positions are linked to specific areas. (Will require players to set new siege positions in certain cases.) - Resolves an issue of grass spawning on weird places when returning to prefabs. - Fixes a weird issue of creating 'rope-breaking health bars' without any rope. - Corrects AI defending behavior, preventing them from attacking their own drawbridges. - The spell 'Searing beam' did not affect drawbridges, and the aim was very off. This has been fixed. - A few more UI enhancements. EDIT 1: Made a few improvements to moving-item-orders and the UI surrounding that. Also got rid of a crash related to work orders. EDIT 2: Bear skin and wolf skin got converted wrong when processed at tanning stations, bear skin became wolf leather and vice versa. This has been fixed! EDIT 3: Removed an exploit in which, when selecting multiple corpses, you could loot or move an altar-risen before waking them. Best wishes and lots of love! <3 //Mattias