Patch 0.6.69

Death Must Die

Descend the nether in search of Death himself! Choose from God-given powers to slay his hordes of minions. Unlock new heroes, collect powerful items and create game-breaking synergies in this roguelite hack and slash survivors game.

We have plans to provide additional stash tabs via a separate unlock system. However, due to overwhelming requests we've added 2 tabs ahead of time. [h2]QOL[/h2] @ Shop Tabs: Separate tab for Merchant and Buyback. @ Stash Tabs: Added 2 extra tabs to stash. [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] Dash i-frames no longer prevent lose life effects. Fixed controller losing focus when banishing. Fixed swapped pop-up messages on fallen hero map object. [i]Changes prefixed with '@' were inspired by community feedback.[/i]