Patch 0.5.5

Level Zero: Extraction

Tactical extraction shooter meets immersive survival horror. Play as rival mercenaries fighting for loot, or as alien monsters hunting humans from the shadows. Solo or with friends, experience this unique dark take on asymmetrical PvPvE multiplayer.

[h3][b]General Changes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added inbox system that will have news, and important communication and also will be the place players will get rewards/compensations from; [*] Improved weapon sway and jumping with weapons animations; [*] Added barter wishlists logic (you can select items in barter that will highlight components for barter in game); [*] Mutants are now shown on the motion detector; [*] Preparation for Halloween event. [/list] [h3][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Potentially fixed most of the instances where monster attacks could be triggered several times; [*] Several minor ui/ux bug fixes; [*] Fixed several death tips using incorrect death reasons; [*] Fixed several animations that could break during melee attacks; [/list] [b]Please restart the game and install the patch.[/b] Expect a much bigger patch next week.