Patch 0.3.5 and the Revamped Update Announcement

Hello Adventurers! We have been hard at work, and have some news! We are going to postpone The Zino in favor of doing a rework of the current levels to unify the gameplay experience. As well to expand on the mechanics and levels. This new update will contain reworks for Estoria, Lil Green, and some adjustments for Big Purp. We are adding random starting worlds, the opening cutscene, and the final batch of attachments. A timeline will be released following these changes and added to the steam page. This update will release before Christmas and The Zino will be arriving in early 2025. This change does not change our full release date in mid 2025. With all that out of the way, here is what we can release right now. Some content, and some fixes. Pinhead You can no longer pull out weapons while they are in the upgrade station Hardlight popper will now always trigger on any charge attack at a set radius Fixed some cases where the collection stack could be incorrectly dropped Spikers Resources dropped increased from 5 to 7 Spikers should no longer fall through the ground if dropped by a swooper in some cases Swooper Resources dropped increased from 3 to 5 Adjusted some of the rotation logic Spitter Spitters will occasionally spawn Spods Fixed spit generation for the spitter being too slow when they were far away from the player Fixed spit balls not popping when contacting some objects or enemies Spitter will now only heal 1 health per second while in spit instead of 5 Spods The Spod is a small, 1 shot enemy that will harass the player and heal enemies (coming soon), they will spawn from Spitters and their nests Spod's drop 3 items on death General Fixed actor stuck pushing logic for nests and stalled enemies, should no longer push other actors around, ie doors, etc. Should also work for small nests and all enemies Fixed upgrade kits not falling when far away Fixed socket puzzles not saving their hitbox correctly - will only affect new saves Fixed socket puzzles not being able to turn on in some instances - Will only affect new saves Buttons will now be easier to activate with physics objects Pallets now spawn barrels on them Estoria Many textures have been changed for the coming rework of Estoria, don't mind some strange visuals Big Purp Cable puzzles are now fixed and should function as other socket puzzles Hardlight gate into the library has been fixed As always, feel free to follow us on [url=]X[/url], [url=]Youtube[/url], or [url=]here [/url]on the Steam forums!