Patch 0.2.3 Shadowy Organization

Pinhead Adventures

Play as Pinhead, and his pal, Orbo, as they swing, blast and grapple their way to victory against Zortan! Randomized level elements ensure that there are many ways through each level every playthrough! Almost everything can have variations in this thrilling action platformer! Big Purp is here!

Hello Adventurers! This week we bring you a complete rework of the lighting with more shadows and higher framerates! We have also combed through some of the more niche issues and smoothed them out. Enjoy! ||| Zortan's Ship has disappeared! ||| Pinhead Fixed sometimes not being able to hurt stunned enemies if they were hit prior to being stunned Fixed the slide stopping if you left the ground and then landed quickly Enemies Spikers and Spitters can now be coated with Swooper honey While spikers are coated, they will have a slightly faster reaction time and move speed, and a farther jump attack range If the spiker hits the player while coated, the honey will be transferred to the player When a Spitter is coated, they will have a slightly faster acceleration and max walk speed, and will fire Honey infused spit balls If a spit ball was infused before the honey effect end for the spitter, the spit ball will stay honey infused until popped When a honey infused spit ball is popped, a honey ball will drop where the spit ball was General Lighting optimizations Most objects will now cast shadows from lights Lil Green Now encapsulated in fallout boxes The shops are no longer infinite Estoria Reworked some level geometry to better indicate the first towers button functions Now encapsulated in fallout boxes Space Level Reworked most planets visuals The spaceship will now cast shadows Adjusted overall lighting As always, feel free to follow us on [url=]X[/url], [url=]Youtube[/url], or [url=]here [/url]on the Steam forums!