Patch 0.29.1

Minor update focused on performance and fixing lingering issues. • Fixed cases of TrackIR disconnecting when exiting a mission • Implemented variable radar cross-sections influenced by external weapons • Radar notching now has limited effectiveness, usually requiring radar jammer to lose lock • Improved reliability of IR flare effectiveness and made them equally effective in spaced or rapid deployment • Fixed bug in water physics preventing large ships from steering accurately • Increased steering power of Dynamo Class Destroyer • Reduced armour penetration of 76mm shells and increased relative blast size • Reduced muzzle velocity of 76mm gun • Added overheat effects to 76mm gun, with cooling dependent on airspeed. • Added walking animations for dismounting pilots • Added 3D ocean surface shader with waves • Implemented CPU multithreading for aerodynamics calculations • Implemented CPU multithreading for ship water physics calculations • Implemented CPU multithreading for line of sight raycast checks • Fixed Tarantula cargo loadout cost being charged to players during weapons reloading • Optimised many particle systems • New page added for HUD in Settings menu • HMD layout can be configured • Target screen now shows turret current position compared to aiming direction • Stratolance batteries now only fire on targets at least 50m above terrain • Dynamo class destroyers now fire multiple cruise missiles at once when attacking heavily defended targets • Added icon for 76mm gun • Improved appearance of high-speed fuel fireballs • Fixed some instances of mushroom clouds being deleted prematurely • Fixed some instances of particle systems being duplicated unnecessarily • Fixed impact effects not being played on ricochetes for large calibre guns • Fixed fuel/oil fires not fading as intended & smoke being set to incorrect colour • AI units will now check target value before using some weapons • AI units will now check ratio of friendly / enemy forces within blast radius before using nuclear weapons • Revoker engine survivability improved • Darkreach fuselage survivability improved • LCV25 unit cost revised to be more in line with other similar units • Active Virtual MFD panels remain open after map is closed • Now possible to toggle Airbase icons on/off in Map Options panel • HUD now use fpm for vertical speed in imperial units • New : unit icons size and transparency on HMD can now be modified using HUD option panel in Virtual MFD • Presets defined in HUD options panel for NAV, A2A, A2G, SEAD, EW - (LOG not fully implemented yet) • HUD Settings menu : HUD / HMD text size can be set • HUD Settings menu : HMD unit icon size can be set • Wind turbines now face into the wind and rotate according to wind speed • Decreased accuracy of MBT main gun at maximum range • Increased AFV6 AT's sight range, now uses AGM-48s and holds more of them • Improved AFV6 AA and LCV25 AA's target selection and tracking • Decreased AFV6 & LCV25's visual signatures slightly • Faster gunner target selection and improved tracking for Tarantula's turrets • Faster gunner target selection for Chicane's nose gun • Mission 11: Fixed typo. Reduced Tarantulas' fuel loads. Improved friendly ground vehicle defensive positioning. Made failure condition more lenient • Fixed bug allowing aircraft selection menu to be activated while waiting to spawn on a carrier elevator • Revised recent unit/weapon descriptions • Fixed objects in editor not having their Y position clamps updated if they weren't over terrain