Patch 0.28.0


Coronation, an online open-world medieval game where you fight bandits, train with villagers, build castles and wage war against other players. NOTE: The game is undergoing a major overhaul at the moment, please wait for the next patch in 2024.

[b]Humans vs Knights[/b] - The Halloween event has ended, the zombie apocalypse is replaced with knight sieges. - Knights must capture a town to be able to build. - Knights can build Bandit Camps that periodically spawns Knights. - Knights have access to Matchlocks and Iron Equipment. - Queen Beatrice will reward players for recapturing their towns from the Knights, if she is still alive. - A round begins and progresses as long as there is a player in-game. [b]Changes:[/b] - Players only get building blocked when the attacker is within a town's radius as it affected the player even in other towns. - Merchants no longer sell berries, cotton and stone as players weren't farming their own. - Pack Horse spawns with lesser gold and berries to reduce the viability of creating alts to accumulate resources. - Income and wages are processed every 3 minutes so that player need not wait too long for their income. - Books show skill rank perks in detail so players can make informed decisions when progressing into education. - Added adaptive war music when in combat. - Needs degenerate at a slower pace. [b]Fixes:[/b] - Villagers continuously running around when trying to pray at an altar. - Items not being wiped when a round ended. - Pressing unstuck respawning with low HP. - No sound produced when jumping.