Patch 0.14 Live

Turbo Overkill

Enter Paradise as Johnny Turbo—half-metal, half-human, all-murder machine. Clean up the streets with a chainsaw leg, 15+ weapons and your hovercar as you battle the rogue AI Syn, rival bounty hunters and cyberpunks aplenty. Apogee’s most outrageous FPS since Duke Nukem 3D. Good hunting, Sir!

[img][/img] Today's patch fixes a lot of known bugs and includes suggestions/requests from the Steam Forums, Twitter and Discord communities. Highlights in patch 0.14 include projectiles no longer going through walls, a big difficulty re-balance, on-screen damage indicators, car surfing and much much more! The full change-log can be found below: [h2]Accessibility[/h2] [list] [*] Wallrunning has option to disable screen roll [*] Outline options added for enemies [*] Option to show outline around enemies when they are shot [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Enemy projectiles no longer go through walls [*] Fixed bug where you got stuck in your car when entering near a shop [*] Fixed bug where Ascension jumppad shortcut wouldn't activate [*] Made audio fade in/out correctly between loading checkpoints/levels [*] Fixed consistentcy of Teratek Crates between saves [*] Fixed one of the Leapers not spawning after the green key arena in Battle Alley (post death) [*] Fixed a bug on Artifact-Zero where the Syn Mech would appear before the crate is lifted [*] You can no longer switch weapons while the game is paused [*] You can no longer activate your chainsaw in the car (or when you enter the car) [*] Fixed rendering bug where 3D UI elements would render incorrectly against particles and transparent objects [*] Cooldown added preventing micro-missile selection spam, thus locking all your other weapons [*] Fixed street server in Emergence not having collision [*] Chainsaw grace is no longer affected by explosive barrels [*] Fixed bug where when jumping on a ladder while tracers are animating, they will no longer get stuck midair [*] Fixed a bug where enemies would lose their target if the player enters a shop [*] Can no longer change weapons while in the shop [*] Fixed a bug where the Waster shotgun would get jammed sometimes [*] Fixed inconsistency in the Secret Level select menu [*] Fixed a bug where the flamethrower cone wouldn't always disappear [*] Fixed a bug where the Magnums alt-fire would get stuck on sometimes [*] Fixed bug where the car can drive through forcefields on Rooftops [*] Fixed collision on boats in Battle Alley so players don't get stuck under the lip [*] Fixed Magnum alt fire zoom bug [*] Rain settings are now maintained between loading levels [*] Fixed jumping off projectiles while using the Agile augment [*] Fixed UI so the selection range doesn't take up the entire screen [*] Can no longer click 'Return' or press escape while in the resolution confirmation window [*] Fixed a poorly placed teleport trigger on the map Syn [*] Fixed a trap door not saving correctly between checkpoint loads in Dead Plaza [*] Fixed pain screen effects not showing up after dying [*] Fixed a collision bug in Dead Plaza where the player would get stuck on a fan [*] Fixed a button in Ascension having no binding to the master audio mixer [*] The post-processing effect on rain is now disabled correctly via the settings [*] Zooming now works in Photomode [/list] [h2]Quality of Life changes[/h2] [list] [*] Micro Missile load times are maintained between saves [*] Collision pass done on most maps to stop players getting caught on geometry while chainsawing [*] Added a platform on Dead Plaza to assist with wall running section [*] Added a platform to Battle Alley to assist on directions [*] Your current mod configuration is now shown when holding Tab (default keybinding) [*] You can now dash into jumppads [*] Flamethrower remembers configuration between switching and respawns [*] Uzi remembers configuration between switching and respawns [*] Gameplay geometry tweaks to the train level to help guide players more and provide cover [*] Fixed a lot of the settings descriptions in the menus [*] Onscreen damage direction rings now added [*] Improved UI on confirmation boxes significantly [*] Capped the Weapon FOV so its values don't go crazy high [*] Sold out message added to shops when all stock is taken [*] Objective markers added to chains in Rooftops [/list] [h2]Visual/Audio[/h2] [list] [*] Ultra-wide Support now working correctly with UI elements [*] Weapon Wheel on certain resolutions is no longer massive [*] Low health breathing sound effect added [*] A screen effect is now applied when you are underwater [*] Objective Markers now have a pulsating effect to make them more apparent [*] Portraits added to skill screen [*] Pitch increased on big head mode enemies (Tech-Chip) [*] Cinematics have big heads if its turned on (Tech-Chip) [*] Another pass done on the fog in Ascension [/list] [h2]Balance[/h2] [list] [*] You can now jump on the hood of your car and ride it around like a surfboard [*] Big tweaks to the difficulty settings, making the values a little more sane. Damage outputs increased, projectile speeds reduced [*] Much more consistency on Waster electro shot stunning enemies [*] Syn Mech's blast radius from the shield bash is now more obvious [*] Artifact-Zero boss: Reduced eyeball health to make the boss feel less like a bullet-sponge [*] Artifact-Zero boss: Made green-beam walls more obvious on where damage is applied and slightly reduced damage [*] Artifact-Zero boss: Delay at start before enemies spawn in, and reduced numbers of enemies spawning in [*] Artifact-Zero boss: More ammo added to the arena [*] Artifact-Zero boss: Final phase beams have a damage cooldown [/list]