Patch 0.13.3 - Hotfix

Vincemus - Air Combat

Fly through the theaters of World War II with fighters planes from across the world. Intercept, Raid, Defend, Survive in theatres of World War II. Vincemus is an arcade semi-realistic air combat shooter, The game is avalable on WindowsOS and MacOS.

[b]Changes[/b] Increased fidelity of the edges for the Storm Bringer mission Decreased distance of enemy spawns on the Storm Bringer mission Europe Mission 6 & 10 author time has been reduced by 10 seconds Lowered player spawn point on mission 1 so you have to climb to allies [b]Bug Fixes[/b] Fixed some UI typos Bombs dropped from the B-17 would explode in the air and deal 0 damage to enemies Europe mission 1 & 2 has had it’s water changed so we can get the fog on the horizon back Mission night patrol progression has been fixed Fixed a bug that caused end of map warning boxes to be 50% smaller then what it’s actual size was Fixed a bug that caused trains to shoot when in tunnels Fixed AI AA markers on storm bringer