Patch is now available

The Isle

Experience fierce open world survival gameplay as you attempt to stay alive on an unforgiving island inhabited by dinosaurs! Hunt. Grow. Survive.

Hey Islanders, We're deploying a small patch aimed at addressing various issues, while also implementing some adjustments related to stamina regeneration. Please note; You may need to restart your Steam client if you find that the patch is not immediately available to download. [u][b][/b][/u] Added stamina regeneration during movement states based off of current stamina. Updated stamina regen values for all species Improved AI animals attenuation volume/filter/reverb curves and falloff ranges Made adult and juvenile deinosuchus have the same NV fog values underwater Reduced dilophosaurus' hallucination recovery cooldown from 5mins to 1min Increased footprints default despawn time from 1min to 5min Reduced food proportion of schooling fishes Fixed a server hitch during player connections Fixed some server crashes Fixed Pteranodon corpses not rotting Fixed eat hint showing for herbivores near plants while carrying something Fixed fruits despawning Fixed wounds and low stamina not affecting final damage output Fixed vocals not working on replays