Hello Enforcers,
With today's patch, we’ve focused mostly on Quality of Life improvements and have made a ton of changes regarding Boosters based on community feedback! Booster charges will now automatically be picked up and each player will have their own instanced booster drops creating a more consistent supply of charges in those multiplayer experiences. We’ve also increased the stack sizes, thereby reducing clutter in your inventory, and have made some general tweaks as to how they function as well.
We’re continuing to improve tooltips and have made several modifications in this patch to improve clarity across the board which we hope will be well received.
Lastly we heard you all enjoyed the previous credits auto pick up range so we’ve listened to your feedback and brought it back at its previous values!
Please continue to post your feedback as we are looking into it all and your voice helps improve the game as a whole while we continue to produce more patches and content.
The Stitch Heads Team
[*] Skill Tooltips now correctly display Energy drain per second
[*] Skill Tooltips now correctly display Cooldown duration
[*] Skill Tooltips will now display "Casts per second" and "Summons per second" when relevant instead of all skills showing "Attacks per second"
[*] Skill Tooltips now have their stats better sorted with subcategory (e.g. Minion and Effect)
[*] Skill Tooltip now displays the Minion's primary ability attacks per second. This was wrongly displaying the Summons per second before
[*] Fixed damage stats not always showing in skill tooltips for skills that are not equipped
[*] Changed Fuse item tooltips to now only show the Fuse icon within the item icon container around it.
[*] Changed Fuse item tooltip to now display the Fuse trigger type
[*] Fixed Mastery tooltip icons being black
[h2]HUD & Input[/h2]
[*] Fixed the pause menu button prompt not functioning within the Solar Map
[*] Fixed some talent passives not displaying all their modifiers in the tooltip
[*] Fixed "Windowed Fullscreen" visual bug of whitespace getting removed when changing other video settings
[*] Setting menu text now scales with localised text
[*] Talent Tree button text now scales with localised text
[*] Popup Buttons text now scales with localised text
[*] Item tooltip text now scales with localised text
[*] Fixed issue with offline and hardcore hero selection boxes overlapping with other menu elements
[*] Fixed players being displayed as lvl 1 in online session while they're in the solar map
[*] Changed Portal Beacons to be usable by clicking on it in the Inventory
[*] Added the item tooltip button prompts back but smaller
[*] Added "Identify" button prompt when relevant using the ID Scanner hover on items
[h2]Paint Shop[/h2]
[*] Paintshop UI visual overhaul
[h2]Items & Drop Rates[/h2]
[*] Fixed cases of non-uniques equipment rolling as uniques without stats
[*] Updated “Fiero’s Balance” unique sword to have the correct orientation
[*] Increased credit auto-pickup radius back from 70 to 200
[*] Added auto-pickup for booster charges
[list][*] Will not auto-pickup if dropped by the player to prevent not being able to drop charges.[/list]
[*] Booster charges are now instanced per player
[list][*] When a charge drops it will drop for both players however only the owning player can see theirs[/list]
[*] Added popup notifications similar to credits upon picking up booster charges
[*] Fixed resource booster buffs showing total duration of 0s for clients
[*] Increased booster charge stack sizes from 20 to 100
[*] Fixed booster animation playing even when failing to use it
[*] Added booster on cooldown feedback text
[*] Changed boosters to no longer visualise the recharge duration while there are no charges in the player inventory
[*] Changed booster recharge cooldown for resource boosters (Health, Energy, Hybrid) to be consistent between each charge
[*] Increased intermittent booster recharge time from 2 seconds to 3 seconds
[*] Fixed issue where fuses failed to load causing them to be lost for the players.
[*] Fixed dismembered body parts floating in the air
[*] Fixed enemies sometimes getting stuck in place on clients after dying
[*] Fixed expected collision sweeps duration on clients being off for durations smaller than tick rate
[h3]Salvage Skill[/h3]
[*] Now displaying healing over time value in Salvage skill tooltip
[h3]Tornado Skill[/h3]
[*] Fixed Tornado's attacks per second not representing the actual tick rate
[*] Fixed Tornado tickrate not scaling from attack speed
[*] Fixed Tornado's damage being dependant on tick rate
[*] Fixed Tornado's damage in tooltip not representing the actual damage dealt per tick