Dev Diary - Endgame

Leading up to our Early Access release we, the Superfuse devs, wanted to highlight a few features we have in store. Today we are going to be talking about our Endgame system, called the Solar Map, which we are releasing with Early Access. This is our solution for replayability, because it's an expandable system that lets us easily add new areas and new monsters. [h1]The Solar Map[/h1] The Solar Map will be unlocked at the end of the Early Access story. This allows you to continue your playthrough without interruption. The current Solar Map we've put in place is a lighter version which we hope to expand later down the line, but right now you'll already be able to take your spaceship to other asteroids and pick up Contracts. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42189181/f2cda3cbcaaf72e3ed36345f748a9ea681bd9fa2.gif[/img] [h1]Contracts[/h1] Contracts come in various difficulties and forms, and can include killing Elites or a Boss. We are planning to add more variety, with objective-based contracts. To give players the chance to weigh risk vs reward, each Contract's fights can have stat modifiers applied to both you and your enemies. Depending on how you play, these modifiers could be positive or negative. [list] [*]Heightened chance for more loot and credits [*]Lowered armor for the player [*]Higher max health and attack speed for the enemies [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42189181/d6add3fad9d844d1a1254f43b6660425c99353f8.jpg[/img] [h1]Scaling[/h1] Currently, Contracts work by scaling to the player level instead of being a fixed level. This is the form that we will release in Early Access, but we are eager to have your opinion on scaling vs. fixed level [url=]in our Discord![/url] Funny side note; one of our developers took the effort to have the Solar Map use the real numbers for the angles and relative rotation speed for all celestial bodies.