Patch 0.1.2 is live!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42189181/a11ee70d60e379b988b6f5e8d9127473b55fc156.png[/img] Hello Enforcers, With this patch we want to provide some quality of life improvements, balancing, and small bug fixes before the weekend hits. One of the larger changes in this patch is to make the starting experience smoother. We’re introducing a regional weight system to loot. This means you will only find fuses your character can learn, and items they can equip pre-Conduit 1. For example: When playing as the Berserker you will not find power gloves or Elementalist only fuses until reaching Conduit 1 after defeating Razor. This is a quick fix to address some of the community concerns we’ve heard, but we would of course love to hear your feedback. Note: finding some fuses you can learn but never use is still possible and related to tag consistency (example: add poison damage on elementalist). Also: convert Physical Damage to an Element will add a Damage tag of that element to the skill, meaning you can dynamically alter what fuses your skill can have access to. We’re currently looking at UI scaling, combat/input responsiveness, collision improvements, fuse variation, fuse tags consistency, and the booster charges. We’ll have more to share in the coming week; however, these changes require a bit more time. Thanks, and please keep the feedback coming! The Stitch Heads Team [h1]Fixes & Improvements[/h1] [h2]Tooltips[/h2] [list] [*]Skill tooltips now display all damage elements / types to clarify the damage an ability is doing [*]By default, item tooltips now display the base stat roll values [*]Fixed bug with Quick ID not always showing the Item Scanner uses remaining in your tooltip [*]Fuse tooltips now display all valid skills that can be fused - even if there is more than one [*]Show decimals in tooltips and skill summary below 10 damage instead of rounding to full numbers like we do when damage values are above 10. [*]Skills now show their correct stats in tooltips and summaries even when not equipped in action bar / set to active skill. [/list] [h2]HUD & Input[/h2] [list] [*]While holding Left ALT - all dropped items on the screen force display their name tags, if persistent item name tags are toggled off. Toggle persistent item name tags with “Z”. [*]Fixed nametags of interactables showing persistently when the persistent outline is toggled [*]Can now use CTRL + ALT to toggle persistent outlines on interactables [*]Default Skill Slot 1 (Left Mouse Button) is now move only, you can still replace this with an active skill [*]Fix: While in the fuse menu / skill creator - using mouse scroll wheel will no longer zoom in or out on your character [*]Fixed “Move Only” tooltip not showing on the slot itself [*]Fixed interactable outline of shrines/chests/corpses still showing after being looted [*]Display message in chat when toggling: [list] [*]Persistent Interactable highlights [*]Persistent Item name tags [/list][/list] [h2]Server Browser & Multiplayer[/h2] [list] [*]Display actual error on login failure instead of always displaying “failed to connect account” [*]Fixed levels of all players being displayed as 0 in server browser [*]Font for the create game and join private game section in the server browser changed to support capitalisation which hopefully avoids some confusion with capital sensitive server names and passwords [*]Fixed private games not being found sometimes due to only retrieving the first instance or a limited list [*]When searching for public games, you will now find more entries - the list was being cut off by invisible private entries so you would only find a handful of public game sessions [/list] [h2]Items: Droprates[/h2] [list] [*]Trinkets: increased trinket drop rates, they will now drop more commonly in Conduit 1 and after [*]Kneepads: slightly buffed kneepad droprates throughout the game [*]Regional Drop Bias: loot will now be biased towards your class up until Conduit 1, meaning that before Conduit 1 you will only find fuses you can learn or loot that your character can equip [list][*]Note: there is no bias towards your current build or learned skills, playing as a Tornado Combat Berserker you will still find Power Punch (Brute Force Tree) fuses even if you do not have this skill.[/list] [*]Resistivity: removed lightning spell damage and now rolls with both fire and ice spell damage (8-12%). [/list] [h2]Fuses[/h2] [list] [*]Introduced more icons for fuses so you can differentiate between them better [*]Pierce: now has a 10% damage reduction applied when used [*]Freezer: set the requirement to Ice Damage instead of Damaging [*]Burner: set the requirement to Fire Damage instead of Damaging [*]Shocker: set the requirement to Lightning Damage instead of Damaging [*]Poisoner: set the requirement to Poison Damage instead of Damaging [*]Brawler: set the requirement to Physical Damage instead of Damaging [*]Enabled some fuses for use on minions / physical. Set the required tag to Physical instead of Weapon skill and removed the Berserker requirement of: [list][*]Add Fire / Ice / Poison / Lightning / Physical Damage fuses[/list] [*]New Fuse Replica [list][*]Fuse that increases the maximum amount of minions for Buzzjaw, Lazerbeak, Construct [*]Fuse gives -10% all damage to minions[/list] [*]Scrapstorm: will no longer show up in Leon's shop [*]Ferrokinesis: will no longer scaling with skill effectiveness per level stat - which was leading to overpowered results of quadruple damage on Ferrokinesis [*]Buzzsaw: no longer reduces Buzzjaw count [*]BigBoy: Fixed the minion not properly using its melee attack animation [*]Added an icon for the collidable tag [/list] [h2]Audio[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed player level up audio voice lines playing for all characters in multiplayer[/list] [h2]Other[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed lightbridges in Edge of Space and Eros Docks to not show up when Shadow Quality was set to low [*]Fix Foreman not having correct relation to players on clients, causing attack targeting to not behave as expected[/list] [h2]Balancing & Hero Changes[/h2] [h3]Elementalist[/h3] Fireball Skill [list] [*]Fireball now has the Area of Effect tag [/list] Torch Skill [list] [*]Torch now has the Area of Effect tag [/list] [h3]Berserker[/h3] Slam Skill [list] [*]Slam can now hit both with its initial Area of Effect and its consecutive ground crack projectile on the same target [*]Increased range of the ground crack projectile from 350 units to 450 [/list] [h3]Technomancer[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a cause for minions sometimes not attacking enemies [/list] [h3]Buzzjaw Skill[/h3] [list] [*] Delay between attacks reduced from 1.8 seconds to 1 second [*] Damage scaling per level has been increased [*] Now caps at 4 minions from leveling the base skill instead of 10 [*] You can now add additional minion through fuses (See the fuse section above) [/list] [h3]Lazerbeak Skill[/h3] [list] [*] Base damage reduced from 16-24 to 6-12 [*] Damage scaling per level increased [*] Now caps at 4 minions from leveling the base skill instead of 10 [*] You can now add additional minion through fuses (See the fuse section above) [/list] [h3]Impale Skill[/h3] [list] [*] Resolved a bug where Impale was floating in the center of the collision sphere, it is now correctly attached to the ground [/list]