Our new project...


Palallel is a 2D cooperative puzzle platformer for two players. You are stuck in a board where you can’t see your partner. You need to exchange objects, trigger mechanisms, and more to escape. Challenge your communication !

Hello everyone ːpraisesunː It's not your typical Palallel update. Today we will be talking about GoatApe ([i]it's us btw[/i]), what we did in the past few months, and what we're working on. [h2]What we worked on[/h2] After Palallel was released, we took a break from gamedev (yes, how dare they ːcsdmadː). But don't worry this break wasn't very long. We've been thinking about our next project and we choose 3 concepts that were appealing to all of the team. I won't be covering all of the attempts (more about this on [url=https://discord.gg/fXNgBnvRTd]discord[/url]) but we've been working on 2 prototypes on the foundation of the 3 concepts we chose. [b]These two prototypes have been discarded[/b] for several reasons (interest in the final game, technical constraints, ...) and our focus has shifted to another concept codename : [b]PPBB[/b] [h2]PPBB[/h2] PPBB is our new project. We've been working on it for the past month and we're really excited to show it to you. PPBB is a Roguelite FPS where you'll fight waves of foes in an arena. [u]What's original about it ?[/u] Three main design pillars : [list] [*] [b]Rewarding your playstyle, not your stats/objects[/b] No loot system, no rarity, no +25 health chestplate… PPBB is a game that rewards the choices you make and how you play the game. We want to avoid situations like ‘+1,23% damage increase’ because you got lucky. [*] [b]A *semi-random* generated skill tree[/b] Select a base node, choose your skill and select a direction. Each time you choose a major node, multiple branches will be revealed. Want to focus on melee ? Take this branch and increase your range & apply fire with your attacks. [*] [b]Elemental combo system ![/b] Affect surfaces or enemies with unique elemental effects. Burn them, slow them, strike them with thunder and much more. Still not enough ? You can mix them ! Each time 2 elements meet, a new powerful reaction occurs, an Explosion, a snowstorm, a Thunderstorm… [/list] If you want to know more about it, join our [url=https://discord.gg/fXNgBnvRTd]discord[/url] server, where we will be posting weekly updates about the development. [h2]Palallel[/h2] As Palallel has been released for almost a year now and your attention is focused on our new project, Palallel will only receive small updates that fix some levels but nothing more. However, we want to say goodbye. In the coming weeks, we'll announce a stream where we will be streaming the entire game (probably a stream in two parts). If you want to see two [strike]professional[/strike] Palallel players, ask a question, or just say hi, you're welcome. [h2]Weekly devblogs[/h2] Last piece of information ! We will be releasing weekly devblogs about the development of PPBB on our website [url=https://goatapegames.com]goatapegames[/url], come take a look ! Our first devblog is out right now. We're talking about basics movements in game. Read it there : [url=https://goatapegames.com/posts/devblog-1-basic-movements]Devblog #1[/url] Thank you for reading ːluvː