Development Update Palallel - End of 2021


Palallel is a 2D cooperative puzzle platformer for two players. You are stuck in a board where you can’t see your partner. You need to exchange objects, trigger mechanisms, and more to escape. Challenge your communication !

Hello everyone ːpraisesunːːpraisesunːːpraisesunː, It's been a while since we talked about the game. We had (and still have) quite some things to handle. Since the Steam Next Fest, we worked on multiple fronts, here's a quick overview of what happened : [list] [*] We reworked the network system and switched to the steam network API to handle multiplayer. After the first playtest sessions, some people ran into issues with lags & disconnections. Even though Palallel isn't heavy networking-wise, our previous servers were located in France. This meant high ping for non-EU players and instability. With this rework, this shouldn't be an issue anymore as players will connect directly without the need for a relay server. [*] Along with this rework, we also heavily modified the invitation system to fully utilize the steam API. Creating games, sending invites, and joining is now faster and easier (less time in menus and more in-game ːclaptrapː). [*] There are currently 4 and a half worlds ready to be tested. Of course, we worked on a lot more levels, but visuals aren't finalized yet. With all bonuses and WIP levels, we reached an incredible step: 80 levels and we're not stopping there! [*] We spend quite some time thinking about the sound design & the inclusion of music in the game. The first results are promising and we are eager to share this with you when it's ready (very soon). [*] New systems are coming to smooth out communication & planning for you and your partner. These will help you in the hardest levels of the game. They'll be in the next playtest sessions as well, we count on your feedback for this one. [*] We will be running a few playtests sessions in January to try new systems & levels. If you're interested, please join our discord ([url=]GoatApe discord[/url]) where we will give all information necessary to join the playtest sessions. You can also fill this [url=]form[/url] and we'll contact you directly when the playtests start. [*] We took some time in the past weeks to make things official, so we're now GoatApe, an indie game dev company that creates games you will (we hope) like! [/list] We're not ready to set a date for the game's release, but our current plan is to release the game between March & July 2022. Thanks for following us, see you soon ːsansː GoatApe