OSX Version available now!

Concrete Jungle

Concrete Jungle is a city planning deck-building game. Place buildings using cards in your deck and earn new ones as you progress! A genre-blending game packed with cool ideas that swaps micro-management for a more puzzle-like approach to city planning.

The mac version is finally here on Steam! Previously only available on itch.io through a wine wrapper, the new Steam version features both a native port and a new wine wrapper version! Steam will ask which version you want to run on launch. Both versions are functional minus some Steam API features: Leaderboards and achievements are unavailable for the time being, although cloud saves are working. The save game directory for both osx versions are the same so you can play either and not lose progress. I don't think Steam cloud syncs save games between PC and Mac, only between PC to PC or mac to mac. The file formatting is the same though so you can copy files across, the save game directory for the platforms are as follows: [quote]PC: Users//AppData/Roaming/ConcreteJungle Mac: :/Users//Library/Application Support/ConcreteJungle [/quote] There are also a few additions to last weeks patch, as follows: [quote] New Features & Changes: -Mac version now available! Bug Fixes: -Fixed a bug that caused completed campaign levels to record the most recent score as the personal best score. -'Medical School' was distributing +6 points instead of +5 as listed on the card. Card & Skill Balances: -1st Level 3 star threshold changed to 100. -Made Rick's easy AI a little easier. -Adjusted difficulty curve of early versus campaign levels. [/quote] Please report any bugs or issues at: http://colepowered.com/bug-report/