Organs Please second patch

Organs Please

A dark and satirical management sim, where you take control of a recycling factory with a twist: it recycles humans. Your job is to decide who gets to escape our dying planet in a cozy spaceship and who sacrifices their blood, sweat and tears for humanity. Literally.

Greetings! The Committee has prepared another small but nice upgrade for the Factory. Update the game and embark on a mission to save humanity. What's new: [list] [*] Fixed a bug that caused employees from previous saves to appear when starting a new game. [*] Fixed a bug when there is no employee hiring card in the tutorial. [*] Added an option to replay any day by creating a copy of the saved game in the next slot. [*] Fixed localization bugs in the main menu. [*] Fixed localization bugs in faction services. [*] Transferring saves from 4th slot back to 1st slot now works correctly. [/list] Have a productive day at the Factory! Do not forget to join the union in [url=]Discord[/url]. Regards, Organs Please Team