Organs Please first patch

Organs Please

A dark and satirical management sim, where you take control of a recycling factory with a twist: it recycles humans. Your job is to decide who gets to escape our dying planet in a cozy spaceship and who sacrifices their blood, sweat and tears for humanity. Literally.

Greetings! Thank you all for a successful start! Work on the Ark is in full swing. The team prepared a small update with fixes to minor bugs and flaws. What's new: [list] [*] A dedicated “New Game” button to the main menu. [*] Fixed a bug where the “Entrepreneur” achievement could be earned in the tutorial. [*] Fixed a bug where the Church's principle “Lamb of God” blocked the burn and recycle buttons for all staff, not just church members. [*] Fixed a few minor mistakes in the texts. [*] Added a description to the in-game encyclopedia and the inspector’s phrases about the usage of the Fuwwy shampoo. [/list] Have a fruitful workday at the Factory! Regards, Team Organs Please