New Organs Please update to fix minor errors

Organs Please

A dark and satirical management sim, where you take control of a recycling factory with a twist: it recycles humans. Your job is to decide who gets to escape our dying planet in a cozy spaceship and who sacrifices their blood, sweat and tears for humanity. Literally.

Greetings! Thank you all very much for supporting the release of Organs Please! We've heard your feedback and have prepared a patch to fix a few minor bugs. What's new in the patch: [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the player would receive a penalty for special characters who can't be shaved. [*] Added an indicator to the TV screen at the checkpoint about the zero number of bodies in the warehouse, and the lack of fuel. [*] Added more hints to the loading screens. [*] Fixed a bug that didn't award players with an achievement for the failed ending. [/list] Remember to update Organs Please through Steam to receive the new patch. Now, get back to work, meatbag! Regards, Organs Please Team