Official Cat Quest III Seeker and Captain Cappey Plushie!

Ahoy, me hearties! After numerous requests from our community and also from our own staff, we are proud to present[url=] the official Cat Quest III plushie[/url], featuring our feline hero, their faithful guide Captain Cappey and a removable sword to deal with those pesky pi-rats. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44155993/5eb1fa5e167da1945311b402222dde4f0cf55563.png[/img] The Seeker is also equipped with a savvy pirate bandana and outfit, and you can make out the Seeker mark on the back of their head. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our fans for the love and support over the journey of not just Cat Quest III but the entire trilogy. We really would be nothing without you all! [url=]The campaign ends in just eight days[/url] - so get your claws sunk into this offer before it's too late! All our love The Gentlebros