Cat Quest III | Mew Game Mode Out MEOW!

Ahoy, meow hearties! 🐾 Hoist the sails and get ready to embark on a more challenging catventure with Mew Game Mode! [previewyoutube=s3Bd4RQCP1o;full][/previewyoutube] Listen up ye purrywags! Mew Game Mode allows the player to add a variety of unique meowdifiers to their game for a more challenging experience. Conquer the seas of the Purribean in Mew Game Mode and earn some treasure for completing it. The more meowdifiers selected, the greater the reward! 🐾⚓ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44155993/5ece7c42066121a155111b4b68e3262f6117dd4b.jpg[/img] [h2]Meowdifiers[/h2] 🐱 Nine Lives - You can only 'Game Over' nine times. After which, the game kicks players back to the main menu and deletes the save file. 🏴‍☠️ Ruffer Enemies - Different and more powerful enemies appear. 🐾 Naked Paws - Armor and weapons cannot be equipped. Trinkets still can be equipped. 🔮 Purre Magic - You can only cast spells. Mana regenerates automatically and quickly. 🚫 No Leveling - You cannot level up. ⏩ Fast Furwards - Everything moves at twice the speed. Even you. ⚔️ No Upgrades - You cannot upgrade anything, not even spells. 🚢 Furriendly Ship - Your ship does one damage. [h3]Patch notes[/h3] [list] [*] Shield dodge animation has been tweaked to look more unique. [*] Slightly reduced the damage of Mewteor and Ice Paw. [*] Bug fix: certain items were given at too high a level. [/list]