NUTS is out!


NUTS is a single-player walking simulator surveillance mystery. Record the squirrels, report your findings, and piece together what’s really going on in Melmoth Forest.

Hey everyone, Joon here, one of the developers. I just wanted to make a quick update, to say thank you, and to list a few cool reviews that appeared, in case anybody wants to know why they should play NUTS :) So first of all, if you're reading this and you bought the game, [b]thank you so much[/b]! I never thought this many people would enjoy our experimental squirrel adventure, but here we are! People are playing, and [i]finishing[/i] it, which means a lot to me and the rest of the team. And here are some cool things: 🌟 Over 100 people have streamed NUTS on Twitch! The game has a page that combines them all, [url=]right here.[/url] I do warn you, if you haven't played, or finished the game, there are a lot of spoilers in these streams so [b]be careful[/b]. You don't need anybody else to answer the question [i]"what are the squirrels up to"[/i] but yourself! 🌟 [url=]Vice Games[/url] reviewed NUTS [i]“Its visual puzzles remain modest where other games might have leaned into spiralling recursiveness; it asks questions rather than offering definitive answers. To cap it off, the game ends on a note of [b]genuine cosmic weirdness[/b], an opportunity for both I and the squirrels to finally escape the camera’s all-seeing eye.”[/i] 🌟 Danish music blog [url=]Soundvenue[/url], called us a Lynchian fever-dream 🌟 Rock Paper Shotgun had a mixed response, but still said nice things! “Without a hint of hyperbole, sound designer Almut Schwacke (who also did a solid turn as the voice of Nina) has produced some of the best foley work I’ve ever heard.” 🌟 “Like Firewatch for David Attenborough fans” Gerald Lynch, TechRadar 🌟 “Dazzling artistic presentation” Mike Towndrow, Six One Indie 🌟 “It’s a testament of what can be made when working remotely” Simon Cardy, IGN etc... etc... There's many more, and hopefully more to come. Now I'll go back to bugfixing for a while. Stay tuned, and tell your friends about NUTS :) - joon