Now in the NosMall: 50% Discount on Partner Skill Tickets

NosTale - Anime MMORPG

NosTale is a free-to-play anime action MMORPG which takes you on an exciting journey through a world full of mystery with your friends.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30481962/38fecd2a93ac1e834ca54c35f8d3d051064e2424.jpg[/img] Head on over to the NosMall between [b]11th December (11 AM) and 13th December (11 AM CET)[/b] and pick up [b]Partner Skill Tickets[/b] at a discounted price! Take advantage and save lots of NosDollars! [b]These items have a 50% discount:[/b] [list] [*]Partner Skill Ticket (Single) [*]Partner Skill Ticket (All) [/list] Have fun, the NosTale Team