Bloomtown: A Different Story is a narrative JRPG mixing turn-based combat, monster taming and social RPG set in a seemingly pleasant 1960s Americana world. Join Emily and her group of friends to save their cozy town from the demonic creatures that live in the hearts of its residents!
Greetings Bloomtowners! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/592f15d456bc2cb2ed1a6548e1652976a6f3f209.png[/img]
Since Bloomtown was announced and we began sharing screenshots of the game, people have been praising us for the game's beautiful visual style and outstanding artwork. Throughout development we have continually developed and improved upon the visual style of Bloomtown and created a game we believe is worthy of this title, and we hope you feel the same.
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If you feel that Bloomtown deserves a nomination in this category, head over to the 2024 Steam Awards and select our game as your choice! We hope to see you all in the voting phase, which is coming soon!
If you want to learn more about the visual style and the person behind it, check out our "Dev Diary - Behind Bloomtown’s Pixels: A Focus on Art", below. Vitaly answers some cool questions about the game's art, and design process.
If you've yet to see Bloomtown's art, don't wait any longer. Pick up the game on Steam now, and don't forget to leave a review as it helps us massively!