Bloomtown's First Sale, and Content Patch - We 🧡 your feedback

Bloomtown: A Different Story

Bloomtown: A Different Story is a narrative JRPG mixing turn-based combat, monster taming and social RPG set in a seemingly pleasant 1960s Americana world. Join Emily and her group of friends to save their cozy town from the demonic creatures that live in the hearts of its residents!

[h1]Bloomtown's first sale - Save 20% Now![/h1] We're happy to announce that Bloomtown is currently on sale until November 25, and you can save 20% off. So, if you were ever on the fence about trying out our beautiful pixel-art JRPG adventure, it's finally time to jump off! Hop over to Bloomtown today and enjoy this grand summer adventure with Emily and her friends! [h2]Check out our Accolade Trailer [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/920b9c85d893abb339250dd0512913a6466e7964.png[/img][/h2] [previewyoutube=WQkQxWmNmbI;full][/previewyoutube] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/c92f7ed78c30164137e841281361f2bdbaf01daa.png[/img] [h1]Content Patch Release [/h1] Thanks to the feedback given by all of our amazing players, we compiled a list of your most dire wants and needs and took the time to implement them. We know you've been wanting to manually save your game and run without holding down that button all the time, so why not read the patch notes below and see what we have implemented! If you want to report a bug, issue, typo, or simply share feedback, there are 2 ways to do it: [list][*]Through our [url=]official Discord server[/url] [*]Via our [url=]customer support website[/url][/list] If you need info on what to include - you can find a dedicated Steam forum post [url=]here[/url]. It's also very important to leave a review on the Steam page of Bloomtown. This lets us know all your thoughts about the game, as well as other players. So don't hesitate to drop by our Steam page and leave one now! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/592f15d456bc2cb2ed1a6548e1652976a6f3f209.png[/img] Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of these patch notes! [h2]Changelog 1.0.19 + [/h2] [list][*] Added manual saves - Save anytime out of combat [*] Added option to toggle running as always on [*] Some improvements in balance [*] Added Auto On\Off hints option [*] Added training fights in velvet room [*] Added delay before selecting in dialogs [*] Rework art and obstacles in house tree dungeon [*] Some improvements in pause menu [*] Fixed some cases where the achievement was not given for getting all the other achievements [*] Fixed steam builds crashing when steam API is not initialized [*] Fixed game breaking after loading from battle scene [*] Fixed some localization issues [*] Fixed statistic on the LVL up screen is not correct [*] Strongly improved localization into English [*] Reworked and fixed some cut-scenes [*] Some other small fixes and improvements [/list] You can see how to access some of the more significant changes and additions in the screenshots below: [list] [*]Manual Saves [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/c337e8e3caeb9dc178c29ca87712679cf4323442.png[/img][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/61de400b4258a11ff1dacaf6a1cd1ee39a8234ef.png[/img] [*]Tutorial & Fight Testing [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/bac5864b04c32b8ea17dadadbeda155a1f83b940.png[/img][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/ae09dfaaac0c29412d418f88f181ff3711d63edc.png[/img] [*]Running Options [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/89a9da910588ac7097a88b05ae619ea248956c91.png[/img] [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/c05b716b4b94e36845430e3bdd28f6f91a354909.png[/img] [i][b]Want to chat with the devs and the community? Need to be the first to know about our next patch? Encountering bugs? Have a suggestion to improve the game?[/b][/i] [h2]Join our 🎀[url=] DISCORD[/url] 🎀[/h2] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/dda8c3994d3c5d13094b5d2389d8f9261bd45a72.png[/img][/url] Have fun on your grand summer journey! 🧡 The Bloomtown Team [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237207/920b9c85d893abb339250dd0512913a6466e7964.png[/img]