New Update! [v.1.3 Patch Notes]

Path of the Midnight Sun

Protect a noblewoman reckoning with unholy powers as she wards off the soul of the Demon King sealed inside her. Doubt your own companions, survive against unforgiving hordes of monsters. But beware; every choice has consequences in this epic JRPG adventure of betrayal, romance & self-acceptance.

Hello everyone, thank you for your patience and support. I'm glad to announce that I managed to fix a great number of issues you have reported in the past weeks. I'm the only developer of this game, so it might take a little while to push major updates, but I'm always listening so feel free to reach out! The easiest way to send feedback is via [url=]our Discord server[/url]. [u][b]PATCH NOTES v.1.3[/b][/u] ✨ [b]General:[/b] [list] [*] (!) Renamed some Difficulty modes and their description to give a better idea of the game experience and to remove stigma associated with a lower difficulty. In short, “Easy” has been renamed to “Relax”, and “Normal” to “Classic”. The four Difficulties in PotMS now are Story, Relax, Classic and Hardcore. [*] The color of text in messages has been enhanced to be more consistent. [/list] ⌛ [b]Game balance:[/b] [list] [*] (!) Damage dealt by enemies in later chapters of the game has been slightly adjusted. [*] Hellios will now give Faratras 3000 G (in addition to Vulneraries and Phoenix Drops) upon joining your party in Chapter 2. [*] Hellios now starts the game with a Leather Vest equipped. [*] Balanced the Mana requirements to unlock some of Rya’s skills. [*] Rearranged the order in which Nefertiti uses her attacks, so that her buffs don’t get reset on the same turn. [*] Changed the nutritional value of “Fa’s Special” from 7 to 6 (three apples). [/list] 👾 [b]Game Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] (!) Fixed a bug that caused the game to softlock upon left-clicking very fast between the move selection screens of your characters. [*] (!) Fixed a rare bug that corrupted your party upon defeating Squinking with secondary effects (poison, Adjutants, or Ultima skills) right after it summoned its Golden Squink underlings. [*] You will now be able to immediately report the “potato quest” in Chapter 4 if you have already obtained potatoes in the forest before. [*] The image assigned to a tutorial in Chapter 5 will now display correctly. [*] The dialogue with the male guard in Chapter 8 during the stealth segment has been fixed and should now work properly. [*] Triggering a Game Over by talking to the guards in Chapter 8 now works as intended. [*] Inspecting the barrels in Chapter 8 before talking to Scott won’t trigger the green check (on cursor hover) anymore. [*] Inspecting the vase after the female guard in Chapter 8 has returned home won’t mention the guard anymore. [*] The transactions to enter the Hot Springs in Chapter 8 now work as intended and you won’t be charged with 5000 G anymore if you completed the Squinking quest and arrived before 5:05 PM. [*] Changed some dialogue lines in Astra’s house so that it’s more obvious that Shiori already knew her, especially if you have also triggered her Legendary Hero cutscene in Chapter 8. [*] Rearranged the enemies in a battle in Chapter 9 so that a foe in the rear isn’t covered by the Boarshroom anymore, making it easier to select the targets. [*] Suzaku’s model won’t appear suddenly anymore but will fade properly in one of his supports with Faratras in the “postgame”. [*] Fixed a glitch that changed Suzaku’s Max MP to 0 after a certain event in the story. [*] Fixed 18 typos. [*] Fixed other minor issues like “page flip sounds” not playing after a few select messages in the game. [/list] That's all for now! Please know that I'm always reading your messages and I hope to improve the game even further in the future, while also working on my second game. Some changes might not be doable at the moment, or might take a long time before they are implemented, but they definitely are in my to-do list! Thank you for your support, and have a great day! - Alfred P.S. If you want to support us, feel free to take a look at the amazing orchestral Soundtrack composed by Andrea Caranfil, and the Official Artbook coming out next week!