Anniversary update! 🎉 [v.2.0 Change Log]

Path of the Midnight Sun

Protect a noblewoman reckoning with unholy powers as she wards off the soul of the Demon King sealed inside her. Doubt your own companions, survive against unforgiving hordes of monsters. But beware; every choice has consequences in this epic JRPG adventure of betrayal, romance & self-acceptance.

Hello everyone, It has been 1 year since "Path of the Midnight Sun" was released on January 10, 2023. What better way to celebrate than with a big update? Here is the change log for version 2.0! [b][h2]⭐ New content:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] ❗There's a new scene at the encampment before the final battle against the Demon King. You will be able to channel the power of one of the Eight Legendary Heroes that you encountered during your adventure. You will also obtain the legendary weapons for Rya and Cristoph: the Nidhogg bow and the Garm axe. [*] ❗Added the Japanese and Italian translations! 🍣🍕 [*] Implemented full voice acting for two major scenes before the final boss fight. [*] Added a new tutorial for "secret personality traits" in Chapter 1, and another one for Luckos' blessing in Chapter 5. [/list] [b][h2]🍀 Quality of Life improvements:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] ❗You can now restart boss battles immediately after losing. [*] ❗At the camp, you can sell any items in your inventory instead of just a selected few. [*] ❗You can change the difficulty of the game at any time without penalties. You can do that from the Settings, even in the middle of a map. [*] Whenever you hit a Weakness or a Resistance in battle, you will be notified with dynamic text. [*] Added a checkpoint before the final phase of the final boss fight. [*] The skills Solarabyssus and Midnight Flash now buff the entire party, making 'a certain fight' more enjoyable. [/list] [b][h2]⚖️ Game balance:[/h2][/b] [list] [*] ❗The skills system was revamped. The HP/MP cost of most skills increases when you level them up, making it harder for the player to trivialize the game by investing all the resources on a single overpowered attack. [*] In addition to that, the damage of single-target skills has greatly increased. [*] The damage of skills that target all foes was reduced (and/or their cost increased), and their accuracy was nerfed from 95% to 90%. [*] The Critical Hit multiplier has been slightly nerfed from x1.6 to x1.4. [*] The multipliers of Weaknesses and Resistances have been reworked, greatly increasing their importance. [*] The cost of Suzaku's Ultima skills was greatly reduced. However, they also are a bit weaker now. [*] The damage multiplier of Cristoph's lv.4 "100 Push-Ups" passive has been nerfed from x2 to x1.6. [*] The stats of various enemies have been adjusted. [*] The stats of some bosses have been slightly buffed. This is balanced out by the fact that their Weaknesses are more relevant, the player can restart the battle without drawbacks, and the characters' equipment is much better due to the new Sell mechanic granting more Gold to the party. [*] The Wide Guard enemy mechanic has been buffed, making protected enemies take only x0.25 damage instead of x0.5. The enemy shield will disappear if the user is killed. [*] Other minor changes to game balance. [/list] [h2][b]👾 Other fixes:[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Shiori used to have -1 base Fire Resistance (instead of 0) for some reason. She isn't highly flammable anymore! [*] Fixed a rare issue that softlocked the game... if Suzaku was friendzoned by Faratras twice in a row during their confession scene. [*] Fixed 23 small inconsistencies in the script. [*] Fixed 11 typos in the script. [*] Implemented a few missing sounds during dialogue. [*] Suzaku won't say "The Manacrest!" anymore during the final chapter, if he has the Mana Blessing skill. [*] Suzaku's battle model has a small detail which is different during the final chapter. [*] Some tutorial pictures have been updated. [*] The text color of tutorials is now more consistently yellow-ish instead of changing to white. [*] A plethora of other very small changes similar to these. [/list] [h1][b]Next Steps ➡️[/b][/h1] I will update the game very soon with a few more balance changes, and minor fixes that may arise after the v.2.0 update. [b]In the long run, I plan on adding fun New Game+ mechanics, a new scene (Bad Ending) and achievements[/b]. Unfortunately, "Path of the Midnight Sun" was made on a very limited engine called Visual Novel Maker. Honestly, it's already a miracle that a game like this was made in that software! Because of this, despite my best intentions, it's hard to implement commonly requested features like controller support. I also wanted to mention that our team has been working for the past 8 months on a brand new game made in Unity, which will be revealed in the next months. I hope you're looking forward to it! ✨ As usual, I thank you for your support. Knowing that there are players who enjoy "Path of the Midnight Sun" and our studio in general truly is heartwarming. I will keep doing my best to make even more awesome games. In the meantime, take care! 🍀 - Alfred, Game Director at Studio Daimon