NEW UPDATE RELEASED: King of Fried Chicken🍗

Let Him Cook

Let Him Cook is a top-down action roguelite where you play as a food industry professional fighting in bullet hell's kitchen. When food fights back, you gotta cook. Jam to the music, hire assistants, and face against all kinds of live food puns!

[b]Major Features:[/b] - NEW Boss! Chicken Fingers has come out of the fryer! Make sure you’re extra crispy for this fight! - 9 NEW Assistants! Variety Assistant, Bio Assistant, Goblin Assistant, Mystery Assistant, Spicy Assistant, Extra Assistant, Music Assistant, Tato Assistant, and Flip Assistant. - NEW Promotions! Assistants can be promoted for extra stat benefits AND each of them have 2 promotion paths. (*Note* We now have a total of 36 assistants and each of them have alternate abilities…that means there are 72 ASSISTANT ABILITIES)! - NEW Unique Tag! Assistants have a small chance to be Unique, giving ALL weapons its ability! - NEW Quests! Earn extra rewards by completing quests scattered around the map! - 12 NEW Weapons! Nougatling Gun, Chopstick, Stock Pot, Spaghetti Wand, Kale Gun, Colander, Spoon, Fork, Butter Knife, Roasting Fork, Basting Brush, and Skillet. - 7 NEW Enemies! Wall Nut, Grim Ryeper, Chicken Drumstick, Tomahawk Steak, Cottage Cheese, Thyme Traveler, and Corn Cobbler. - 2 NEW Elites! Elite Sage and Elite Sau Sage. - 3 NEW Characters! Grill Master, Sommelier, and Salad Chef. - Nearly ALL weapons have been completely overhauled with new effects. [b]Other Features:[/b] - Status Effects are now stackable. - Set bonuses are now based on weapon food types. - Improved weapon rerolling system, making it more likely to get a weapon that you already have or similar tags. - Improved enemy spawning systems, making it so that 2-3 kinds of enemies only show per wave (slightly increasing visual clarity) - Improved lunge, swing, and throw animations. - Added manual aim and auto fire settings. - Added keyboard and controller recognition tab. - Large number displays are now abbreviated (i.e. 1,000,000 = 1m, 1,000 = 1k). - Added revive effect to Angel Assistant. - Added new Liquid tag to some weapons. - New wooden texture and other visual improvements implemented to in-game menus and map. - New player bullet visuals. - Dance floor colors now match the current wave food type that you’re against. - Changed unlock requirement for Concession Worker to “Reach 1 Health.” - Damage numbers show for players taking damage. - Blacklist removal has been moved to the main menu. - New unlockable requirements available for each spice level. - Player hit box reduced by 50% (50% of player’s body). - Added bindings to shortcut buttons. - Disk space for the game has been reduced by 75% via crunch compression and loading times are faster. - Pausing now occurs when viewing steam overlay or using another application. - Added 6 new steam achievements. [b]Bugs:[/b] - Fixed a bug where rerolling weapons with michelin locked repeats the confetti effect. - Fixed a previous patch bug where Eye Scream continues screaming when paused. - Fixed a previous patch bug where retro assistant’s 0.2s nerf did not suffice. - Fixed a bug where shotguns were not shooting more than one bullet. - Fixed a bug where windowed mode would go to full screen every time the game loads a new scene. - Fixed a bug where Eye Scream and Pumpernickel will still scream when the game is muted. - Fixed a bug where attack indicators sometimes get displaced. - Fixed a bug where Run In Background settings does not persist. - Fixed a bug where holding down a key for Next Wave did not register. [b]Buffs:[/b] - All rifles deal double damage. - Butcher health increased from 30 to 35 - Couch Potato and Tee Vee Health doubled [b]Nerfs:[/b] - All rifles pierce damage reduced from 75% to 50% - All characters' base critical chance reduced from 5% to 0% - Food critic fire assistant ability reduced from 15% to 10% - Bread knife damage decreased by 50% - Non-GMO trait reduced from 2 shields to 1. An important message from me, the main developer: TLDR - Plans for full release are in the works and I will be moving on to the next game with better design intent. As we’re taking steps towards full release, I wanted to announce that this update will most likely be the last major content/feature push for Let Him Cook. I believe I may have exhausted myself of most the content and features that I wanted for this game. However, that does not mean I will completely halt development, it just simply means the next few updates will be toned down and smaller compared to the previous two updates. I consider the game to be successful at many different levels, but I also think that the game is not being explored to its full potential. Let Him Cook, as a roguelike, is supposed to be replayable, but it’s not quite hitting the mark I’d hope for. There is a lack of incentive to unlock the content due to internal design problems such as unlocks not being as accessible, shop experience being too overwhelming, and builds feeling too similar. Perhaps this update may change that, but I can no longer adjust the game any further fundamentally. As much as I appreciate all the praise I’m receiving from you all, the reality is that I’m just not getting enough feedback that I need for this Early Access title, which is an important part of the process. Therefore, I want to wrap up the last pieces of content for this game and hopefully I can move on to a new game with the lessons I learned. I hope you all understand how I’m feeling towards the current state of development. I will continue to deliver what I promised: a finished product. - Manny Feliciano, Head Chef