✨NEW UPDATE LIVE: New Romanceable Characters, Opening Animation & More! 🔮

[h3]🔮Attention Potion Permit Fans! 🔮[/h3] Exciting news! We have a brand new update [b]live right now! [/b] Experience a captivating new intro animation and the ability to now romance characters Lucke and Runeheart! We're also super excited to say that Indonesian and Traditional Chinese language support is now fully implemented in game! [h2]See our brand new intro animation[/h2] [previewyoutube=_rPkcuTJKyc;full][/previewyoutube] We hope you enjoy these newest updates! Full patch notes are below! [h2]Full Patch Details: PC version 1.4.1[/h2] [h3]New Content[/h3] - Cinematic opening animation - New romanceable characters (Lucke and Runeheart) - Indonesian language - Traditional Chinese language [h3]Bug Fixing:[/h3] - UI Font size adjustment to the previous chemists' notes key items - Fixed Dating Intro event activation time - Fixed Olive FP2 event activation time - Fixed Xiao FP3 event activation time - Fixed Tourist side event activation time - Fixed sequence error in Mosquitoes side event - Fixed Matheo's disappearance at the end of his Confession event - Fixed sequence error in Garret FP2 event - Adjustments to Opalheart FP2 event - Adjustments to 2nd Blacksmith Upgrade event - Adjustments to Mariele's position in Rue FP3 event - Fixed sequence error in Ottmar FP2 event - Fixed sequence error in Cliff side event - Fixed missing dialogue in Cold Residue event - Fixed Hannah FP2's quest details - Fixed missing bulletin for Kipps FP2 event - Fixed missing bulletin for Fountain Restoration Milestone event - Fixed missing bulletin for Black Lotus event - Fixed missing bulletin for Leano Confession event - Fixed locked tutorial contents being revealed when changing language in Settings - Fixed some crops missing from Bubble's grow box - Fixed Passed Out event trigger - Fixed Quality Nut material's region detail - Fixed wide screen size of the Main Menu's background - Fixed black screen size during patients' diagnosis phase - Fixed asset layering order of the farm animals - Fixed Quest & Bulletin titles for the 1st & 2nd Fishing Rod quests to align with the key item names - Fixed Quest Board hint icon that won't disappear - Fixed NPCs being under the bed when interacted with on waking up - Fixed different recipe order between PC and consoles - Fixed reeling SFX that keeps on playing after cancelling fishing - Tweaked mash button system in grape grinding mini game - Fixed potion quantity detection when it's not available during diagnosis - Fixed count down SFX delay during part-time tutorial - Fixed Osman & Mariele's Positions at the Farmhouse on Friday - Fixed Quest Board Intro event played during Packing Goods part-time at Town Hall - Added 1440 x 900 screen resolution in Settings - Fixed delete save file button not functioning properly using mouse on 2nd deletion attempt - Fixed ringing alarm but there's no patient in the Clinic - Fixed previous chemist notes can't be picked up again after reloading - Fixed cropped NPC dialog textbox - Fixed notification above Cauldron after exiting to Main Menu & reloading save - Fixed red circle not in place in diagnosis mini game - Added skip function for the Main Menu animation - Fixed overlapping NPCs in Runeheart FP2 event - Fixed some UI issues on a particular screen resolution - Fixed color of scarf & clothes got switched on the save file selection screen - Fixed "report' words terminology in French - Fixed wrong icon display on the Grow Box UI - Fixed missing letter within Korean language - Fixed Nova's walking path in the Town Hall - Balancing EXP acquired from fishing - Adjusted furniture cost at Bulk and Build - Adjusted upgrade cost at Bulk and Build - Adjusted upgrade cost at Hearts and Sparks Shop - Adjusted field obstacles unlock cost - Fixed text alignment within quest tracker - Fixed enemies' health bar glitch - Applied changes to the skip trailer button for a better UX - Fixed missing Dating Intro event activation on Lucke and Runeheart FP3 - Fixed bubble text overlapping with NPC interaction UI when NPC is behind a shop counter - Fixed mouse control stuck on Main Menu when players go to Settings - Fixed display bug on the Quest Board's UI - Fixed missing characters within Simplified and Traditional Chinese languages - Fixed missing line in Opalheart's introduction dialogue - Fixed furniture's name glitch in & after exiting Room Editor - Fixed Quest text margin on several languages - Implemented prevention for Steam achievements resetting - Fixed cannot get the "Moonbury Navigator" achievement [i][b]**Console-Specific Patch notes: [/b][/i] Nintendo Switch (NOE/NOA) version 1.0.12 Nintendo Switch (NOJ) version 1.0.5 Nintendo Switch - Complete Version (NOE) 1.0.0 [b]Nintendo Switch Specific:[/b] - Fixed game failed to boot in all the supported languages (system language) on a fresh boot - Fixed plus and minus buttons mapping error - Fixed MC's changing hair color glitch [b]PS Specific:[/b] - Fixed MC's changing hair color glitch