New Update Available: Patch Notes 1.2.12

Hey, Dicefolks! It’s been a few days since the Will Chimeras Pack… rolled out… and we hope that you’re already putting your master summoner skills to good use recruiting your new favorites! It appears that a couple of pesky little bugs also snuck in riding on the backs of the Will Chimeras, but never fear! We’re just as good at taming bugs as we are Chimera and have just released a small update to improve your experience. [b]Patch Notes 1.2.12[/b]: [list] [*] Fixed rare specimen achievement not triggering properly [*] Rebalanced iridescent Yedinn spell actions [*] Fixed mismatched icons of some spell actions [*] Fixed special run Talisman medal [*] Fixed "Little Creature" targeting [/list] Don’t forget to download this short and sweet update before resuming your adventure! That’s all for now. We’ll catch you later!