Hold on to your polyhedrons, Dicefolks - [b]we've got a huge news update for you![/b]
[h2]Free Content Update[/h2]
Free! Everybody likes free right? Free samples, free parking, everything is better free. So we thought "Let's give the people what they want. Let's give them a free content update".
"It will never work" said the haters, "Free? In this economy? You must be out of your minds." Maybe we are. But maybe, just maybe, this is the greatest thing to ever happen in the history of Dicefolk. Without further ado, let's chat about Dicefolk's free content update [b]available August 19th... for free.[/b]
When you update Dicefolk on August 19th, you'll have quite a few new options starting off with a [b]brand new game mode called Special Mode[/b]! Take on one of [b]13 unlockable challenges[/b] which turn the average Dicefolk run completely on its head. These modified runs progressively unlock as you clear more and more, so you'll have to think outside the box in order to see everything this update has to offer. But Special Mode is merely the beginning of the new content - this update also features over [b]70 new equipment items to unlock, 4 new bosses, Chimera tweaks, new Steam achievements, and more[/b]. Did we mention it's free?? Because it is.
[h2]Will Chimeras DLC[/h2]
"Wow! So much great free stuff! But I want to elevate my Dicefolk experience even further" you say, hungry for more Dicefolk.
"You want MORE?" the haters say as they turn up their nose, "You think these developers have MORE Dicefolk for you? They just gave you a free update!"
Sorry haters. We DO have more. It's the Will Chimeras Pack, it's [i]also[/i] out August 19th, and it costs very little money. It's pretty close to free. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but this is quite possibly the greatest thing to happen in the history of Dicefolk.
The Will Chimeras Pack adds an entirely new gameplay pillar to Dicefolk in the form of [b]Mana Chimera[/b]. Unlock the new Will Talisman and you'll have the opportunity to tame never-before-seen magic-wielding Chimera, whose new Mana abilities spice up battles and add an entirely new strategic layer to the game. Develop new synergies with Mana abilities, utilize new powerful Will Chimera Pack-exclusive equipment items, and uncover brand new lore in this expansive DLC. The Will Chimeras pack opens up an entirely new way to experience the world of Dicefolk. One of the new Chimera is a [b]frog with a gun[/b]. You don't want to miss that.
Learn more about the Will Chimeras Pack at the link below:
[h2]The Cute Card Battler Bundle with Cobalt Core[/h2]
We've defeated the haters through the power of friendship. Friendship with our pals at Brace Yourself Games, that is. We're happy to share that you can snag Dicefolk bundled with the excellent [b]Cobalt Core[/b] at a sweet discount from now until September 11th! Not to alarm anyone, but this partnership may be the greatest thing to happen in the history of video games.
Cobalt Core is an excellent complement to Dicefolk's creature-collecting gameplay. Command a cuddly crew through the depths of outer space in this endlessly replayable tactical deckbuilder. Grab the two games bundled at an extreme discount and you may never have to buy another video game again.
Learn more about the Cute Card Battler Bundle here:
Whew, huge update. We released content, made friends, and vanquished the haters. We're going to go sit for a little bit. We'll catch you August 19th!