New Trailer, Spring Festival, Upcoming Demo

Catty & Batty: The Spirit Guide

Cooperatively build a path to guide spirits home.

Hello and welcome to the world of [url=]Catty & Batty[/url]! πŸˆπŸ¦‡ The two friends have always been on adventures together, usually in the form of an annual comic running every day in October. This time they're back in an interactive game! The new trailer just went live on Steam, and you can also watch it on YouTube: [previewyoutube=uU08TJB_vOQ;full][/previewyoutube] There's going to be a demo available before February 3rd, which is when the Steam Spring Festival starts. Catty & Batty will be there as well! My hope is that I can gather a lot of valuable feedback from this event, but you can get the game early on [url=][/url] and share your feedback before the official launch, or simply join the community: Twitter: Discord: VK: Patreon: If you have any questions, let me know! See you again soon. πŸ’šπŸ–€