Console Launch and Content Update (New Game+)

Catty & Batty: The Spirit Guide

Cooperatively build a path to guide spirits home.

Dear friends of cats and bats! Catty & Batty got released on all major consoles recently, and after watching several streams and videos, I've begun fixing a few minor things. And while working on this, I saw that the biggest concern of players was that there should've been more levels. And with the upcoming Halloween sale, the idea was born to add a "New Game+" mode, which adds another 30 remixed levels. [b]How to access the "New Game+" mode:[/b] As soon as you have played through the original levels, you have to click the "New Game+" sign in the upper right corner of the overworld. I can't promise that the update will make it to consoles (it's a difficult process, especially in regards to ratings), but I'll definitely send it to my publisher and we'll see where it leads! I originally felt bad for only updating the Steam version, but then I told myself that any update is better than no update at all, so here we are. Thanks to Auri, SaimizZ and Jace for helping me test this update, and thanks to everyone who has played and supported Catty & Batty up until now! I appreciate all of you <3 Here are all the details of this update: [list] [*]Added "New Game+" with 30 remixed levels and a separate overworld [*]Crystomalities now close the doors 1 second after they appear [*]Increased range for spirits entering gates while following the player [*]Increased contrast for Catty's house [*]Spirits are now sitting on cattypillars for a bit longer, and will wait for a bit before jumping onto the next [*]Allow spirits to check for certain surroundings while riding cattypillars [*]Improved open gate check with crystomalities, heartbeans, leaf piles, buttons and superchargers in the same level [*]Boxfox now uses the regular function for box deletion (which fixes remaining boxes display) [*]Limited collected letters for spirits to 30 (thanks SaimizZ) [*]Fixed an issue which allowed spirits to pick up letters multiple times in succession [*]Fixed an issue with spirits carrying letters and entering a portal resulting in distorted letters [*]Fixed an issue with the white fade transition after cutscenes when loading would take too long [*]Fixed shader issues with lights in levels with night mode [*]Fixed pause menu popup during map loading sequence (thanks Jace) [*]Fixed cattypillars being able to pick up inactive spirits [/list] Join our Discord to discuss the changes: Thank you again, and have a nice day! -Philipp