Language Patch!

Catty & Batty: The Spirit Guide

Cooperatively build a path to guide spirits home.

[b]Hello everyone![/b] In the latest patch, new languages are now available, including [b]Russian [/b](by Djigallag), [b]Finnish [/b](by Denis Osipov), and [b]German [/b](by Auri). A bunch of fixes and features are also included in the latest patch! You can check out the final devlog video [url=]here[/url], or in the complete list below. [previewyoutube=ERbdfDCKqZw;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Updated hints for levels 1, 5, and 6 to better communicate the information to the players (Pinkerator and Kowi) [*] Fix sprite sort order of beatbox and add blockers so that you can’t build boxes on it (NoLifeKing85) [*] Reduce flickering of clouds on overworld by adjust sort order (Kowi) [*] Fix overlapping CattyBatty sprite on overworld when opening pause menu [*] Disabled spirit preview for starsnow maps where you have to pick up spirits [*] Fixed being able to build boxes on heartcranks (and fixed heartcrank sprite sort order) [*] Fixed eyes of Catty and Batty overlapping with the box limit display in level 4 [/list] [h3]Features:[/h3][list] [*] Allow player switching when level is complete [*] You can now also wake up spirits by placing boxes on them [*] Eyeflower now destroys surrounding boxes [*] In level 28, first part of path now gets shown immediately [*] A little animation is now shown when a spirit falls into a portal and travels back to the spawnpoint [*] New languages available: Russian, German, Austrian, Finnish [/list] Thank you all for playing Catty & Batty! πŸ’šπŸ–€