Power Fantasy

Survive hordes of blood hungry enemies and hope for the best upgrades while you level up! Power Fantasy is a fresh rogue-surviors-like with unique heroes and tons of customization.

[img][/img] This update focuses on a better experience for new players (better learning curve between the difficulties, a starter companion and a better starter mutation) and some major reworks to some gameplay mechanics leading to more balancing and build variety. Game modes / levels are now selectable for every hero, so you can play Krampus Night with whoever you want and also slay the Undead with Santa. The newly integrated Steam Stats will store your progress (between installs and devices). Now that all the challenges (5 in Nightmare 5) are integrated, I can start to work on the real endgame soon. Thanks to my awesome alpha testers. You really buff my productivity by 300%. [h2]NEW NIGHTMARE BALANCING[/h2] [list][*][b]Normal: [/b]Doesn't spawn archers anymore. (Easy mode) [*][b]Nightmare 1: [/b]Adds Mysterious Spells [*][b]Nightmare 2:[/b] Adds Archers [*][b]Nightmare 3: [/b]Adds Shadow Invasion [*][b]Nightmare 4:[/b] Adds Mages [*][b]Nightmare 5:[/b] Archers and Mages shoot 2 additional projectiles. Increased enemy projectile speed. [/list] [h2]NEW & REARRANGED CHALLENGE SHRINES[/h2] [list] [*] #1 Cloning Gargoyle: +50% xp (Nightmare 1+) [*] #2 Armored Warrior: +50% coin drops (Nightmare 2+) [*] #3 Hellspawns: +75% xp (Nightmare 3+) [*] #4 Apocalyptic Riders: Draco companion (Nightmare 4+) [*] #5 The Void: Grants perk "Whisper of Death" (Nightmare 5)[/list] [h2]FEATURES[/h2] [list][*]Perk synergies are now getting prioritized like perk upgrades [*]Increased the chance for priority perks to appear from 30% to 40% [*]Updated frames for perks: Upgrades = blue frame, synergies = purple frame [*]New companion: Cherub (Starter companion, shoots at enemies) [*]New companion: Chesty (Picks up coins for you) (Unlocked by Effy N2) [*]New mutation: Amethyst Mutation. Get +2% chance for an additional projectile chain per levelup. (Unlocked with Nightmare 1 achievement) [*]New mutation: Diamond Mutation. Get +0.5% movement speed per level up. (Unlocked with Nightmare 4) [*]Added a level selection so you can now play Krampus Night with other heroes and use Santa in the main map. [*]Added gamepad support to the achievement panel (Category navigation) [*]Pierce rework: Pierce now works hand in hand with chain: it's not the last in the queue anymore but applies right when the first projectile hits ("forks" the projectile) [*]Freeze rework: Freezing an enemy now deals frost damage when the freeze starts and ends. I reworked the Ice perks to fit the new mechanic:[/list] [h3]Ice rework[/h3] [list][*] Penetrator: +1 pierce, +4 frost damage [*] Hypothermic: +20% chance to freeze, +6 frost damage [*] Glacial Shot: +1 pierce, +10% chance to freeze [*] Chilly: +15% projectile damage, +15% chance to freeze[/list] [h3]Physical rework[/h3] [list][*]New perk "Repulsion" (+10% chance to knockback on hit, When you knockback an enemy, also knock back close enemies.) [*]Removed the trait "knockback close enemies on crit" for Aric [*]Added the trait "knockbacks deal 10 damage" to Aric [*]Removed "Knockbacks deal damage. Scales with knockback chance." from Indimidating [*]Added +20% projectile damage to Intimidating [*]Reduced the default knockback chance from physical projectiles from 75% to 50% [*]Removed knockback power from Strong Opinion and added +20% chance to knockback on hit[/list] [h3]New achievements[/h3] [list][*] Cloning Gargoyle [*] The Void [*] Santa Survivor [*] Changed the perk "Speedy Santa" to "Winterly Speedrun" (Reach level 25 in Krampus Night) [*] Hardcore Pacifist [*] Mind AND Matter [*] Grind Mind[/list] [h3]New perk synergies[/h3] [list][*][b]Physical + Ice = Ice Force: [/b]Knocked back enemies also get frozen [*][b]Arcane + Fire = Soul Blaze: [/b]Burn ticks have a 50% chance to refresh the burn duration.[/list] [h2]TWEAKS[/h2] [list] [*]Changed mutation: Emerald Mutation now adds +1% projectile distance per level up instead of critical strike chance. [*]Bosses don't despawn anymore. When the timer runs out, the boss won't drop a challenge shrine anymore [*]The skulls in the UI now indicate missed/completed challenges instead of boss spawns [*]Improved the bullet patterns of some bosses [*]Reduced the time for Daydreamer to heal you from 10 seconds to 5 seconds [*]Reduced the movement speed reduction when attacking from 70% to 50% [*]Removed the bow charge sound from Icicles attack [*]Slightly reduced the movement speed and health of the burning skulls [*]Polished the visual clarity of the hero and companion selection [*]Added projectile range to the hero stat panel in the selection [*]Capped Santas special presents to 3 since he can be played on the main map now [*]The perk list now has a scrollbar [*]When the merchant is running away, the $$$ symbol is getting removed now [*]Icicle now starts with +1 projectile pierce and returning arrows (Returning arrows still have infinit pierce) [*]Removed the achievements for Nightmare 1-4 per hero so there is less clutter and more room for new fun achievements (they still exist for unlocks but are hidden) [*]Reworked the N5 achievements so they are an indicator for a heros progress with a progress bar [*]The first starter companion is now auto selected if you haven't selected one before [*]Kaito trait changed from +20% evasion to +15% evasion when attacking [*]Evasion rating is now correctly updating in the stat panel with conditional changes [*]Perk Mesmer: +10% movement speed, +10% chance for additional projectile chain (instead of +1 chain) [*]improved the visual appearance of krampus night [*]The challenge Snowball Fight now also adds 60 extra seconds upon completion [*]The merchant panel is now bigger and provides a better overall view[/list] [h3]New stats in the stat panel:[/h3] [list][*]Correct frost damage value [*]Knockback chance [*]Coin droprate[/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list][*]Fixed a bug that caused losing the buff from Concentration when walking while you can't walk while attacking [*]Fixed the alignment of the perk upgrades in the perk upgrade preview panel [*]Fixed a bug that caused a lot of enemy projectiles not being affected by Distant Mirror reflection[/list]