New Feature Announced!

Dieselpunk Wars

Dieselpunk Wars is a vehicle building game, focused on combat with advanced physics and damage simulation. Use over 300 elements to build a war machine of your dreams. Construct vehicles that ride on the ground, soar through the skies, or dive underwater. Prepare for combat and test your skills!

[url=][img][/img][/url] [h1]Hello, engineers![/h1] We know you're waiting for more news about the upcoming patch 1.1.0 and so, we prepared a special treat for you: two new features instead of one! We hope you're as excited as we are! Firstly, something big. We implemented a function that allows the players to add structures in the Battle Simulator mode! Previously, you would have to either make use of pre-existing structures that are already on a map or create an immobile vehicle to act as a structure. You can still do that, of course, but you also have the option to add some of the buildings that you've seen on our maps. And that isn't all! Adding buildings is fun but what's even cooler is an ability to specify targets in Battle Simulator. And by targets, we mean key objectives that have to be achieved. Additionally, you can designate a vehicle to be a player vehicle by default - meaning that when you start a battle simulation, you will immediately gain control of that vehicle. So you can easily create complex scenarios and play them out. Pretty cool, right? [url=][img][/img][/url] Secondly, a quality of life improvement that many of you have asked for. You now can control rotors with your mouse instead of using a keyboard! It might be a small thing but improving the controls is something we've been doing ever since Dieselpunk Wars was released. After all, we don't want the controls to get in the way of either building or destroying your opponents. That is all for this update! Did you enjoy it? We have even better features planned for the upcoming patch 1.1.0 so stay tuned! You can share your excitement with us on our Discord server too! We would love to see you there :D [h1]Best regards, Image Power Team[/h1]