New environments

Go Outside Simulator

For when you can't or won't go outside, go outside from the comfort of inside. Explore different environments, look for hidden Easter eggs, chill and relax in virtual worlds. Go Outside Simulator is a for fun game used to help in the future development of real games and useful programs.

Alright I know development of this is spotty at best, but I do work on it when I have the time. Going to work on a small update to remove the cylinder level and add in one I thought about yesterday. But i'll also do some fixes and such. As well as start on new more in depth environments. I also still plan on the Forest day overhaul I've been talking about for...2 years. It will happen eventually. Also i'm going to look into adding online multiplayer at some point because people have asked for it and I honestly find the idea very funny. But for right this moment i'll try to get the small update pushed before the weekend that will add a new environment and remove the cylinder. If I can get it working in the future it will be added back in but right now it's going away. I'm going to do another small environment as I have only 1 and I want to balance out the level select a bit. Onward and upward. Thank you for supporting this meme game. I didn't plan on having it as a forever background project but it is now so I won't stop picking away at it for the foreseeable future. That being said it has already accomplished what it set out to do. which was buy me a VR headset and allow me to learn enough to make VR stuff. So you can expect a VR simulation thingy to be coming out at some point (the first build is basically done I just need to add menu and locomotion functionality).