New Devblog #10 is Out!

Echoes of Extinction

Open World Prehistoric Horror Survival set on a mysterious island inhabited by dinosaurs and tribal humans. Survival is a test of resilience and adaptability. Players must carve their path in this challenging world, competing for territory, resources and ultimately, their own survival.

[h2][b]Islander[/b][/h2] - [b]Project Lead[/b] Hey Extinctioneers! This month has been an exhilarating journey, marked by the release of our Tech Demo. First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who supported and continue to support us on Patreon. Your feedback and enthusiasm have not only driven us to keep pushing out updates but have also been a constant reminder of why we’re so dedicated to making this project reach its full potential. This month, I’ve been deeply immersed in expanding the lore of our world. It’s becoming quite extensive, with intricate backstories and key characters that will make the quests you undertake as the tribals even more engaging and thrilling. We’re also planning to adapt the map in response to the evolving story, so you can look forward to a world that changes and grows as the lore unfolds! Progress has been substantial, and we’re eagerly preparing for Part 2 of the Tech Demo Update. This upcoming update will introduce a revamped Tribal experience, packed with new mechanics, the majestic Ouranosaurus, the new Dryosaurus model, and the Horseshoe Crab AI. There’s so much to be excited about, and we can’t wait to share it with you all! Thank you again for your incredible support, and stay tuned for what’s to come! [h2][b]FuriousSmaug[/b][/h2] - [b]Programmer[/b] Hey all! This month I spent a bit of time everywhere. The start of the month was, of course, our demo release (hope you all are enjoying it!). After that, I worked on several of the bugs and read through the feedback, taking it into consideration for the next patch. We also upgraded from Unreal Engine 5.2 to 5.4, giving us access to a few more features, fixing old ones, and improving performance. During the engine upgrade, I’ve been spending time converting several functions to C++ and optimizing them along the way to ensure the dinosaur playables will run as smoothly as possible. This also involved conversions to the gameplay ability system from the custom one that was set up. I’ve also added the horseshoe crab AI; however, it still needs a few more things (like a walking animation and fleeing logic) before being ready for the public. Overall, while there are still a few bugs and there were hiccups along the way, progress has been going great so far. Looking forward, we are hoping to get another update to address the issues that were present in the first release to our backers as soon as possible. After that, our focus will be solely on the first major update, Backer’s Build part 2. For me, this will involve implementing the Ouranosaurus and any AI we have ready by then, as well as further optimizations and conversions in the code. [h2][b]MiaMia[/b][/h2] - [b]3D Artist[/b] Hi Guys! This month hasn't had anything massively new. I reworked some of the previous tools, improving the textures and refining some small details so that they can really capture the quality of the game. I've attached some small snippets to show this. I also created editable textures that can be used across the board for a lot of the other models, which should hopefully save me time in the future when creating more tools and weapons. We did create some weapons, which I might still make some alterations to, but I'm happy with the look that's coming across! I'm also excited to say I got my hands on some software that should really improve the presentation of the models, and will really enhance how they look from this point onward!! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/a716006787078ae426bad1a61c6ad5a761ad0c72.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/510149a4ed5a993d5b9a2169be18c94a3caad075.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/f7f13212cdf42aa755875635edbcf4c84fb5e33e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/41f1162fa0e7fbbdc618c1b602b482c361431872.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/ed1809c4a2b8d7f5047fe7009e92d0ab586427a1.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/3c59e03d654872cb270a0bd0d0d9f3c0a67e96f4.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/f8d2bbb42ebb036de1492fe29a9dc0405e21f321.png[/img] [h2][b]RAR [Raul Ramos][/b][/h2] - [b]3D Artist[/b] Hello, This month I've made some progress on the Ouranosaurus model. I completed the muscle block-in phase over the simple skeleton I made, and I've begun to refine the surface anatomy after merging all the underlying layers. In addition, I've been providing support by reviewing the other Dino concepts and models like Coelophysis, Achillobator, and Dryosaurus. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/b14598d9be14d4df2fb0dc81f1c3e7ec2dbcaa7c.png[/img] [h2][b]Chikangia[/b][/h2] - [b]Programmer[/b] Hola everybody! This month, I spent most of the time on tribal, reworking the stats and animation systems, and adding a few new techniques like animation warping and basic IK. Afterward, I worked on several things, like the HUD, and changed and optimized the menus. I added a new saving system that works with all characters and updated the spawn system to be more reliable. As tribal, your body persists on the server when logging out, so make sure to hide before. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/7667c3ffc0611f714a4e63940d96f9e7ba18c1aa.png[/img] Then I started working on the inventory, equipment, and interaction systems. There is still a long way to go, but I look forward to it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/851d934a1547c53e2dbab92473d0afb154201c95.gif[/img] [h2][b]Danik[/b][/h2] - [b]Programmer[/b] Hello all, This month I've spent time on project cleanup and code refactoring to make it easily extendable in the future. Most of the work is done, and the project is ready for more new features. I started work on the first melee weapon: Axe. It will have different kinds of attacks to trick opponents as well as block & parry. [h2][b]HematoSalpinx (Fortress)[/b][/h2] - [b]3D Artist[/b] Hey all, This month I spent refining Dryosaurus, nearing the next stage of the sculpt. I've spent a large part of the month exploring animal anatomy. Here is the latest on Dryosaurus! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/a8a5e1f300bffb9d0e5500d8a20d284cbac34d71.png[/img] [h2][b]Rospaw[/b][/h2] - [b]Animator[/b] Hey everyone! This month I've made the idle and walking/crawling animations for the horseshoe crab AI. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/bf72c15d9a39aba4b7990210823550ddb2e94062.gif[/img] [h2][b]SadEch[/b][/h2] - [b]3D Artist[/b] The last animations for the Eocarcharia are being worked on. The turn in place movement! Along these turns, there will be attack turn animations as well as other attack variants to help spice up the hunt! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/b85e15d3ed57610c1ab334f19c8c007a1bd5422e.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/514ef3d865a9de87e2ae9b4b474b608e878f30ff.gif[/img] [h2][b]Vittoria[/b][/h2] - [b]Concept Artist[/b] Hi everyone! This month I finished the concept of the Coelophysis and started the first frontal version of the Europasaurus. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/5b02891bc473cd4f1e1d204e2629702aecee577a.png[/img] [h2][b]MinizepWolf[/b][/h2] - [b]Tech Artist[/b] Hello everyone! First and foremost, we’ve recently upgraded our development environment to Unreal Engine 5.4! This latest version brings a host of new features and improvements that we’re thrilled to leverage. From enhanced graphical fidelity to improved workflow efficiencies, we’re eager to see how these updates will elevate our project. At the beginning of this month, we had the opportunity to showcase a tech demo of our game, and we’re pleased to report that it was a great success. The feedback we received was incredibly valuable, and it’s clear that our hard work is paying off. We demonstrated key features of our game and got some fantastic insights that will help guide our development moving forward. Looking ahead, our focus will be on integrating the latest engine features into our project. I plan to work on the night vision ability to better fit how we intend for that feature to function. Thank you for your continued support and interest in our project. We’re excited about the progress we’re making and look forward to sharing more with you soon! [h2][b]AirSickLowLander[/b][/h2] - [b]Level Designer[/b] Hey everyone! This month I’ve been focusing on designing and optimizing the new Redwoods area. I’m taking full advantage of Nanite and the new features in Unreal Engine 5.4.3 to make the forest (and the rest of the map) as dense and realistic as possible without sacrificing performance. Along with the Redwoods area, there are more biomes nearby that will receive some updates very soon. We are making the world as interesting and filled with life as possible, so that the environment can truly stand out and not just be pretty to look at. Thank you to everyone who has given us feedback and supported us! I’m very excited to get to show everyone what we have in store. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/3f1d40041d46f27716158eb108496363553c4713.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45000314/60a3b4c7beb950eb8b88b3127bb800cea300d4f3.png[/img]