New Class Update!

Hellow Travelers! [h2]New Major Update! (v 0.9)[/h2] Let me give you a summary of the content: [h2]New Class, the Psychiatrist[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/a730453b5ab4792154c0be98d6d25c00c0678c2f.jpg[/img] The Psychiatrist joins the roster of classes. In the Labyrinth your men's Sanity hangs by a thread, and the Psychiatrist has arrived to either restore it or shatter it completely. The choice is yours. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/067f2c3e6c27bf5c147bddcd69ac15df3abe6fda.jpg[/img] His primary ability is Self Therapy. He is the only character immune to the Sanity mechanic and will always be in a Lucid state. Therefore, he cannot be the patient of another Psychiatrist, and Madness will never develop within him. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/5d9fb6674af8c310761936c55f68e7a37d33705f.jpg[/img] [h2]New Carriage, the Mental Care Cabin[/h2] The new carriage serves as the Psychiatrist's workspace, where they will attempt to twist the minds of your men through agonizing therapies, seeking to unleash their inner madness. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/7b995ac66d3f5c311f833d275155204d554efc93.jpg[/img] [h2]New game mechanic, Madness[/h2] A new mechanic allows you to induce Madness in your characters, turning them into powerful but unstable units. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/dbfaed0ffa73623ea9ea5aebfded2511cfcfe08f.jpg[/img] Mad characters have permanent 0 Sanity, increased damage, and higher loot, but they're always in Hysterical state. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/589b858bdaab06e4ed9fbc34047c26123cbd17ac.jpg[/img] This is perfect for new recruits who need a damage boost, but be careful, as Mad characters are prone to dying quickly. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/740658471a7bd8dec998314112aabc2963629360.jpg[/img] [h2]Bug fixing and game balance[/h2] As previous major updates a lot of bugs has been fixed, and some balance changes has been made. Seize the opportunity and get the game at a [b]25%[/b] discount I need you feedback and ideas to improve the game! JOIN MY DISCORD: [url=][/url]