Hellow Travelers!
[h2]New Major Update! (v 0.9)[/h2]
Let me give you a summary of the content:
[h2]New Class, the Psychiatrist[/h2]
The Psychiatrist joins the roster of classes. In the Labyrinth your men's Sanity hangs by a thread, and the Psychiatrist has arrived to either restore it or shatter it completely. The choice is yours.
His primary ability is Self Therapy. He is the only character immune to the Sanity mechanic and will always be in a Lucid state. Therefore, he cannot be the patient of another Psychiatrist, and Madness will never develop within him.
[h2]New Carriage, the Mental Care Cabin[/h2]
The new carriage serves as the Psychiatrist's workspace, where they will attempt to twist the minds of your men through agonizing therapies, seeking to unleash their inner madness.
[h2]New game mechanic, Madness[/h2]
A new mechanic allows you to induce Madness in your characters, turning them into powerful but unstable units.
Mad characters have permanent 0 Sanity, increased damage, and higher loot, but they're always in Hysterical state.
This is perfect for new recruits who need a damage boost, but be careful, as Mad characters are prone to dying quickly.
[h2]Bug fixing and game balance[/h2]
As previous major updates a lot of bugs has been fixed, and some balance changes has been made.
Seize the opportunity and get the game at a [b]25%[/b] discount
I need you feedback and ideas to improve the game! JOIN MY DISCORD: