Labyrinth Update!

Hellow Travelers! [h2]New Major Update! (v 0.7)[/h2] It's been approximately a month and a half since the game was released in Early Access, and today I bring you the first major game update: [b]Labyrinth[/b]. Let me give you a summary of the content: [h2]Lore: Train Logbook[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/d5241c583447dcb70f2d090275cbb39844d164f0.jpg[/img] I bring a piece of the Railroads & Catacombs world. After each expedition, you´ll be able to see a new anotation on this logbook. This will help you to understand the goal of your journey through this hell named The Labyrinth, and all the weird things sorround this dark place. [h2]New Deck archetype system: 15 New Subclasses[/h2] Some of you have told me that the characters' decks didn't differentiate enough. And to some extent, that was true because their cards were random. So you could see the same cards repeated in various characters who shared the same Warpath. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/b18fc4441eb4cb5c6e0d5f1fb70cf1753fec9f6b.jpg[/img] What I've done is define each subclass, that is, each combination of Warpaths with a predefined and distinct deck that, on its own, offers a different way of playing from the start. The game has 6 Warpaths, each offering a different combat style. This results in 15 different combinations, leading to 15 distinct Subclasses. [h2]New War Book[/h2] It´s a compendium with all the upgrade of the game and all the Subclasses. You can check it whenever you want to search info about all Warpaths and its mechanics. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/461ac360418bb07430d97bf9a553326c736e65d5.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/4e3322b55227c04fc5384b2db018cbbb82116527.jpg[/img] [h2]New objectives in the boss panel[/h2] You start with 4 Subclasses and can unlock the rest by defeating specific bosses at specific levels. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39767884/baad800725f90f88d954b042fbf5aff2ef76d3e0.jpg[/img] [h2]New minimum card limit for characters[/h2] Now, your characters have a new minimum number of cards depending of their level. A lot of players complained that a level 4 character with only 5 cards was very strong and usually broke the game, and they had right. This change makes the game harder. The new minimum: Level 0: 5 cards Level 1: 6 cards Level 2: 7 cards Level 3: 8 cards Level 4: 9 cards [h2]Tired mechanic has changed[/h2] Now, the tired mechanic only works in the train. So if your character is tired won´t do more tasks in the train but could go on expedition without any penalties. The reason behind this is simple, you'll be able to play with whichever Subclass you like. To compensate this, the game offers rewards for play with another Subclasses. [h2]Bug fixing and game balance[/h2] A lot of bugs has been fixed, and some balance changes has been made. I don't want to make this any longer, I will tell you soon. [h2]More content soon[/h2] I want to release another [b]major update[/b] with new bosses, areas, enemies and a lot of things in 2-3 months. And some [b]regular [/b]ones in the middle! Stay tuned! I need you feedback and ideas to improve the game! JOIN MY DISCORD: [url=][/url]