New AngeTheGreat Steam Engine Simulator Video!

Hello engineers! A new video was just released on my main YouTube channel discussing the history and current state of the power generation DLC! [b]NOTE: this video does contain a sponsored segment and is not a normal development update.[/b] For those who don't know, I was a YouTuber before Steam Engine Simulator was released and at this point I still rely on sponsor support and Patreon to sustain myself. You can skip to 01:04 to skip this segment or use the timestamp included in the video. [h1]Video Summary[/h1] [h2]History[/h2] Work officially started on this DLC in July of 2023. A new developer, Hjorgun, put together the initial prototype which was completed in October and by December the DLC had most of the elements that were originally envisioned. To me though, the final result was just not good enough to release and considering the greater than expected number of wishlists, I decided against releasing it. [h2]Updated Game Mechanics[/h2] The game mechanics were redesigned with a more detailed economy that intends to keep the game engaging and encourage the player to operate the engine as efficiently as possible. The basic mechanics are: [list] [*] Fuel can be purchased to run the steam engine and generate electricity [*] Buildings can be constructed in the city to expand population capacity [*] Building upgrades can be purchased which increase profit margins [*] The player must occasionally maintain their infrastructure (replacing snapped cables, etc.) [/list] There are some emergent mechanics from the simulation itself, like power generation being less efficient when demand is lower (due to parasitic losses in the engine being more significant in relation to the engine's output). [h3]Development Update[/h3] Most of the components of the DLC are complete with the exception of the mailbox and a single gauge cluster in the lower right corner. The mailbox will be where the player receives letter from concerned citizens, advisors and the other simple NPC's in the game. Thanks for watching. - Ange [previewyoutube=w8a9B2BgYSA;full][/previewyoutube]